Emperor Stephanus Galtier
Senators: Booker Beningborough, Miles Maximus, Markus Vindelici, Janu Shimada Vindelici, Tybalt Caproni, Cato Leone Elen, Gaius Antigos, D Rad Parthicus
Citizens: Remvs Mercvrivs Karv, candyboy Allen, Asharr Panius, Gaius Cilnius Maecenas Octavian, Damon Collinwood Leone Elen, Aurelius Inside-Romanov-Phoenix, Alexi Inside-Romanov-Phoenix, Eneas Phoenix, Strymon O Aemilius Parthicus, Zarek Antonius, Damion Draco Antonius, Eloy Parthicus, Joris Africanus, Ilyas Riina, Petrus Gnaeus Pompeius, Zander Mistwood Hadrianus, Luca Mistwood Hadrianus, Bjorn Titvs Hadrianvs, Tiberius Coruncanius-Lenoir, Pax Satyricus Pompeus, RegulusAntius Rufus, Rugger, Nicolas Antonio DeSade, CJ Parthicus, Giles
Proxies: Zarek Antonius for Senator Marcus Antonius
Booker Beningborough: The first item is an Imperial Appointment of Tiberius Coruncanius as the Governor of Britannia.
Tiberius Coruncanius-Lenoir: thank you my Emperor and i bring greeting from your loyal subjects of Britannia. I am glad to report that the country is nearly all under our control wioth a few minor outbreaks with the Picts. With permission i intend to hold games and other meeting in Londinium as soon as the country is complete safe to build the required building
Ilyas Riina: Ave Tiberius, Governor of Britannia. I am Ilyas Riina, Governor of Caralis. In the name of the people of Caralis, I wish to congratulate you for your position and wish you all the best. Hopefully we shall have excellent relationships and I do hope that you shall soon pay me a visit, back in Caralis. Best wishes and Gods be with you.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: First, congratulations to Tiberius. I am pleased he survived the harrowing journey all the way from Britannia.That is a distant land. But it is a great land. My predecessor conquered those great sea faring people and I look forward to working with Tiberius along with the governors off all our great lands. Let us give Tiberius a hand. Let me also welcome every one to the new year 901. Also known as 148 of the Common Era. It will be a good year I believe. I just noticed our great friend Cato is here.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: Now that the new year is settled in, my fellow Sim owners and I need to find a date to meet to finish up our proposed constitution. I will endeavor to do that soon. Although we made great progress already, we still need to nail down the final details. Given the various schedules of people, I am afraid I cannot commit to a specific date. But I hope real soon. The election of the Tribunes would be after the constitution is finalized.
Janu Shimada Vindelici: Saturnalia was celebrated with ceremonies, a banquet and a performance. Sadly, the orgy was canceled. Work is starting on the Olympics for March. Suggestions for sporting and cultural events are encouraged.
Markus Vindelici: I just want to add that our events live from participation. One reason why some parts of the Saturnalia did not occur was because of less interest in them. I wish for the future events and role plays will have more active citizens, to keep Romanum alive. RegulusAntius Rufus: I am not a prude. I will offer myself to all comers at the next orgy. Top or bottom, you choose
Gaius Antigos: may i say it is not lack of interest for all but very often the time zones that prevent some of us to participate
Markus Vindelici: the timezone might be one reason but look at the tavern, some months ago, there were often 4, 5 or more citizen at the terrace, drinking wine and chatting - now it's mainly empty.
Booker Beningborough: The Galleria de Ars is again opened.
- Remvs Mercvrivs Karv: My emperor, proconsul, senatores and citizens of Romanum. It is a big pleasure for me to be here as ambassador of the new roman province founded 5 December 2017, Karuvium. You can be sure that the governors of Karuvium, Caivs and Merc, together with me will do what we can to keep the good relations to Romanum. Same happens to all citizens of Karuvium.
The land of the Karu is associated with the Empire of Romanum and is under the rule of the Emperor Stephanus Galtier. Karuvium is a beautiful and sunny place, and it will be a pleasure for us, if you would visit then province. The embassy is in the Karvbuilding next to the Mercury temple in Romanum. Outside the office is a teleporter, you are very welcome to use. You can always ask me for a LM if you need it. Thank you for listening.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: I wanted to say Welcome to Remvs Mercvrivs Karv from Karuvium. I am delighted in this new Romanum province and I encourage people to visit it.
- Cato Leone Elen: I just want to thank everyone for your understanding, support, and thoughts. I will be trying to be on at least once a week. And Welcome!
The next meeting of the Senate of Romanum will be Sunday, 11 February at 11:00 am SLT.
Ixion Parthicus Ἰξίων Παρθικος
Senate Scribe