Greetings citizens
I am Elavor, originally from Caledonia and a free men of the Empire. I have been trained by a scholar and historian and can be called upon to scribe letters and documents should you lack the means to do so yourself. Please note that I am enlisting to join the Legion and so the demands of that will have to come first so I am not able to undertake a serious amount of scribe duties at the moment.
I have a modest home in the docks area above the Customs Office and I am slowly learning to navigate around your vast city.
I look forward to taking part in the events around the city and learning how not to end up being cut to ribbons in the Legion.
((Within Romanum I am a human but elsewhere I am a half-elf. I made the change to human within the realm out of respect for your RP policy on non-human avatars and also in order to reduce script count as the pointy ears do not allow me to remove scripts from them! My profile picture is therefore a bit misleading but I am fond of my pointy ears and so is my lover.
I role-play and prefer a free-form and fast pace over paragraph role-play. I am constantly refining my character history so that it makes more sense as I learn more and adjust things but I am pretty sure the current history is a solid framework to build upon.
I work from home so I can be in Second Life from midnight SL time through to around 3pm depending upon what I am up to. I may be logged on but not actually paying attention though so please do not get offended if I do not respond.))
How I look as a human
Not even a month since my last update so you would assume not many changes?
I am sadly once again single - not through the fault of either party but more a general drifting apart due to demands elsewhere which must take priority.
I am no longer a Tribune of the People and will not consider standing for election to that body again. I will not go into the details of why.
I have seen dreams made and then shattered. Though I have a few who I call dear friends I am in truth quite alone.
Four months on and I have recently moved out from my modest home in the docks and I now reside in a villa with a garden of which I am very proud of and enjoy spending time in. I have made close friends with several members of the community in addition to getting to "not too hopeless" in combat skill level. Furthermore I became one of the ten first elected Tribunes to the city.
It has not been easy. There have been many setbacks in the past four months and some challenges that I still need to overcome. I am however far more comfortable here than I was in my previous home which was based upon fantasy role-play and sadly all but empty too.
Where do I see myself in the next four months?
In October I will probably have to decide whether or not to stand for re-election to my role as Tribune. Whether that happens or not depends upon how well the Tribunes do and also how well the Senate and the rest of the community react to us.
I hope to have formed even closer friendships with members of the community. Marriage? Who knows?
I would like to be an active participant in religious RP services at various temples to which I have a special interest. These services could bring in new people and revitalise the RP element of the city.
I would love to take part in regular tavern events based around typical Roman games. They loved games involving dice for example.
I hope to have a servus in the villa. If a youthful one then he will be trained in the fine arts of scholarly pursuits as well as how to keep the place clean and tidy. If he is a muscular one then I hope we will be interested in training as a gladiator or maybe even join the legion.
Above all I hope to see us all out and about in the city more, taking part in more events based around daily life that are not special one off things. It will be a rough journey but it will be worth it!