Romanum has a meter (HUD) specifically for combat roleplay with some other roleplay functions known as the .zCS Combat Meter. In addition Romanum uses two different roleplay tools to assist in general roleplay. These are simple tools that 1) Allow you to create a changeable multi-line titler and 2) shortcut commands to use roleplay conventions in local chat. Both of these tools are on Second Life Marketplace for FREE:
Once you "buy" each product for FREE, open the boxes and wear/add:
1) Wear/Add on skull "Anomalous Address - Titler" (you can wear on another body part, but it is best to wear somewhere on your head so your titler moves with your head).
To create a custom multi-line titler over your head, type in local chat /4 !text You get a blue text box. Type what you want your titler to say. You can have more than one line for your titler.
The titler default to white text. To get a different color, type into local chat /4 !color -color hex code-
Quick and easy common color hex codes:
Navy, #001f3f
Blue, #0074d9
Aqua, #7fdbff
Teal, #39cccc
Lime, #01ff70
Yellow, #ffdc00
Orange, #ff851b
Red, #ff4136
Maroon, #85144b
Purple, #b10dc9
Silver, #dddddd
Gray, #aaaaaa
2) Wear/Add on HUD "RPTool Basic Edition (2009 Release)" (It defaults to Hud top position. You can try other positions. It remains invisible)
This tool allows shortcuts for common roleplay conventions in local chat:
// Controls
/2 name "Your Characters Name Here"
This sets your Characters Name. This is in ADDITION to your titler above. This name is what will show in local chat.
/2 name Joe Smith
/2 "What you want to say"
This lets you speak via your characters name that you set with the above command. You will see Your character's name, a colon, and what you told the command to say. This is usually used in roleplay as direct conversation, when you are talking out loud.
/2 Hi everyone. How are you today?
You will see in local chat:
Joe Smith: Hi everyone. How are you today?
**** Out of Character **** Communication:
Although you can use any of the commands shown here for Out of Character (OOC) communication, for this notecard I will show it in local chat using a colon after your character's name.
The most proper way to speak Out of Character is in IM chat, NOT local chat. But if you want several people to hear your Out of Character chat, use the /2 command.
Out of Character chat is when you need to say something totally unrelated to the roleplay you are engaged in. Like "my phone is ringing". You indicate Out of Character chat enclosing your statement in double parentheses marks: ((text))
/2 ((Oops, my phone is ringing. BRB))
You will see in local chat:
Joe Smith: ((Oops, my phone is ringing. BRB))
Of course, if you communicate Out of Character text in IM, you need not include /2:
((Oops, my phone is ringing. BRB))
/21 "What you want to whisper"
This will whisper your message to those only directly near you.
/21 Come here. Can I tell you a secret?
You will see in local chat:
Joe Smith whispers: Come here. Can I tell you a secret?
/22 "What you want to shout"
This will shout your message over a further distance.
/22 I want to make a big announcement!
You will see in local chat:
Joe Smith shouts: I want to make a big announcement!
/3 "Character Emote Here"
This shows what you typed after /3 WITHOUT your character name. Some would use this as a way to narrate a story (a sentence, a paragraph, describing something happening)
/3 So they came to the end of the road and looked around. There was no one there. Joe said, "Where is everyone?". Sally exclaimed, "I have no idea?"
You will see in local chat:
So they came to the end of the road and looked around. There was no one there. Joe said, "Where is everyone?". Sally exclaimed, "I have no idea?"
/4 "Character Emote Here"
This shows what your typed after /4 WITH your character name but WITHOUT the colon after your name. This is roleplay convention used to describe an action by your character, not specifically out loud conversation, however you can include out loud conversation by enclosing it in double quote marks.
/4 was stretching his arms and yawning. He had been asleep a long time. He wondered to himself, "What time is it?"
You will see in local chat:
Joe Smith was stretching his arms and yawning. He had been asleep a long time. He wondered to himself, "What time is it?"
/1 WhoisWho
See who is talking under what name, for 30 seconds everyone's RPTool text will be received twice, once with character name, and once with the players name, so you can figure out who is playing what character, or who is the one spreading silly messages under other peoples names.