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Some roles will be official roles in Romanum needed to run the Empire of Romanum effectively. Other roles will be invented by the roleplayer based on whatever role the roleplayer wishes to play.


Official Roles


Emperor - Caesar - Imperator (Imperator Stephanus Galtier (Emperor Galtier)): Is the overall ruler of all Romanum Sims.. Only he can play this role. He is also the commander-in-chief of the Romanum Legion and appoints a Commanding General to lead the Romanum Legion. Stephanus Galtier has stepped down as Emperor as of July 23, 2022 and the Emperor's Regent has assumed the Emperor's power and duties.

Emperor's Regent (Tybalt Galtier-Caproni (tybalt.caproni)) : Stands in for the Emperor as the overall ruler of all Romanum. He has all the power and duties of the Emperor as of July 23, 2022.


Emperor's Consort/Husband (Regulus Rufus Galtier (regulusantius.rufus)): He is the Emperor's consort/husband. 

Consuls: These are the Emperor's closest senior advisors.


Proconsuls: The Emperor's representatives in all Romanum. They help enforce the rules, help settle disputes between residents, help safeguard Romanum against those intent on harming Romanum or its residents:

Miles Galtier Maximus (milehigh.maximus)

SenatorsThe higher Legislative officials. They are appointed by the Emperor and approved by the Senate. They serve as an advisory body to the Emperor.  Senators must be citizens of Romanum and own land in Romanum.

          Click for a listing of current Senators


Senate Scribe: Takes minutes during Senate meetings and organizes and communicates the agenda before each meeting. 


Tribunes: The lower Legislative officials. They are elected by the citizens of Romanum and serve as an advisory body to the Senate. Tribunes must be citizens of Romanum.

          Click for a listing of current Tribunes


Tribune Scribe: Takes minutes during Tribune meetings and organizes and communicates the agenda before each meeting. 



Pontifex Maximus Petrus Gnaeus Pompeius (pietro.howlett): Serves as the High Priest in Romanum and leads religious life in Romanum. 

          Click for a listing of current Priests

Commanding General of the Romanum Legion (Skip Scipio (camaron.spanton)): Commander of the enlisted members of the Romanum Legion. This officer would work to train and drill the Legion soldiers and prepare them for battles and raids. 

          Click for a listing of current Legion Officers


Romanum Legion Officers:


Legatus - A senior officer in the legion. These officers can serve as ambassadors to other military empires.


Tribunus - A senior officer in the legion. These warriors are second in command after the Generals, and equal in status to the Legatus. To achieve this rank a soldier must have consistent strong combat skills and demonstrate leadership during a raid.

Primus Pilus - A senior ranking centurion in the legion. It is their duty to organize the other centurions and legionnaires in battles and training.

Centurio - An officer in the Romanum Legions. These warriors are recognized by this rank for their skill and their dedication to the legion.

Praetorian Guard (Jonny Galtier-Caproni (jonny.zifanwe)) As a special division of the Romanum Legion, their primary duty is to guard the Imperator and the Imperial Palace.

Rector Gladiatorum (Tybalt Galtier-Caproni (tybalt.caproni)): Leads and trains the men who fight in the Gladiatorial ranks. His assistant, the Gladiator Lanistae is (Vacant).


Medicus (Physician) (Ras Galtier Parthicus (rhodes.rasmuson)): Provides medical and healing services to the populous of Romanum and serves from a hospitalis. The hospitalis administrator is Ras Galtier Parthicus (rhodes.rasmuson) and his assistant Numerius Paetinus  (tom06.castro).


Romanum Theater Director (Prince Jin Galtier Parthicus (acrylix)): In charge of theatrical performances at Romanum's Marcellum Theater.


Events Coordinators: Helps coordinate major events in Romanum. The current events coordinators as of July 2020 are:


Ariel Vindelici (marcanton.zehetbauer)

Slaver (Jerome Abara (jerome.toman)): The head person who organizes and trains servi (slaves) and provides such services to friends and citizens of Romanum as needed.


Imperial Palace Manager (Prince Jin Galtier Parthicus (acrylix)): In charge of the Emperor's household. He runs special events at the Palace. 

Imperial Palace Slaver Stendhra Elvson (stendhra) He manages the servants and personal slaves of the Emperor.


Tavern Host (Miles Galtier Maximus (milehigh.maximus)): Hosts dances and parties at Romanum's Tavern.

Romanum Bookkeeper (Appius Mummius Tullus (Romanum Frugel)): An official role. This person handles all the rent payments and bills due for Romanum - the Sims owned by Imperator Galtier. 

Roleplay Advisor (Vacant): Advises on and encourages roleplay. For those interested in more robust roleplay, they can join the Romanum Roleplay group.


Estate Managers: The primary people who help manage the various Romanum Sims taking care of technical issues and assisting as needed.

           Click here to see the Land Covenant (the estate managers are at the bottom).



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