Please Read so you can be prepared if you plan on participating
IN CHARIOTS Saturday 24th 2018
Our activities this
Saturday are considered 1 of our "festival" tournaments
With OUR GROUP Rotating titles & Olympic L$ Prizes Given
and will be run By the Romanum Gladiators/ Chariots
Group In cooperation with
the Romanum Olympic organizers
Saturday March, 24th
Chariot Tournament ~ Hippodrome
Chariots FYI-Rules
1. Please make every attempt to Cross
the Line & finish the race,
so the results Post by the race apparatus.
2. Be Careful not to Jump the start
crossing the start line even 1 second before the
actual start will not record that lap as counting for you.
-Laps Go Counter clock wise around the track
3.Should You (become hopelessly Stuck and cannot complete your race)
Or are sent to Hades by the Lag Harpys :-) ( Crash Mid race )
that race ~ you may~have to Forfeit & go to the opponent.
4 . Possible race apparatus malfunction or unknown annomolys
may happen... in that case
we reserve the right to ADAPT Procedures ON the FLY
, or restart races to ensure clean results
*Keep in Mind the Spirit of Friendship & Fun intended.
5.ALL racers MUST be Male Members of the Empire of Romanum, or Official Provinces.
Thanks & good RACING ! Rector Tybalt
1 . in the archways at one End of the traCk
are where you wait to be called to race
2. We get our chariots & horses first!
where is says" Free Horse" on the Sign
Click It
and then a horse will go into your inventory
then You ADD the horse to you ( Wear it from inventory )
then click the wood panel to make your chariot
and sit on the chariot
3. move forward or back with your movement keys as regular
I use wasd
A & D or <- & -> turn me
4. For the races there is a timer
and a start gate
when called to race Move up to the gate
try to position yourself ,facing the start gate
But with your horses Nose behind it
do not click the race gate! or attempt to start the race yourself
the race master will do that
MOST races will go 3 laps around some go 6
Call "ready" in chat when you are in position & ready.
the Red bar on the floor will turn GREEN
when its time to START
AND the count down is Displayed in Local chat
or your 1ST lap will not count
Once the race starts, the controller will keep your time until you finish
Try & finish so the results POST
the results WILL Not post until all racers FINISH
so TRY to Finish So all men can have the times posted.
the results post in chat ,and above the race gate
To Move FASTER Press the PAGE UP KEY
it stays
working till you stop moving.
Race in regular view OR Mouselook
( BUT use your keyboard to steer in MOUSELOOK NOT your mouse!!!
or it will mess you up badly on some systems)
Turn OFF you r AO when On the chariot .
Good Luck
& have Fun! racing