Romanum Senate Minutes
January 8, 2023
11:00 AM SLT
Regent Tybalt Galtier-Caproni
Senate Lead Ras Galtier Parthicus
Senators: Pontifex Maximus ƤЄƬƦƲƧ ƓƝƛЄƲƧ ƤƠMƤЄƖƲƧ, ƛƲŔЄԼƖƲŞ ƤӇƠЄƝƖҲ, Jonny Galtier-Caproni, Tiberivs Galtier Hadrianvs and Zarek Antonius
Others in attendance: Proconsul Miles Maximus, Ariel Vindelici, Dakota Numitoria, Nikolas Williams, Kimmy Jannings
Guards: Claudius Antonius Paullus and Brad Gunner-Tillman
Minutes: Jonny Galtier-Caproni
Opening Prayers and Regent’s Remarks before the Meeting
This was a special meeting at Jupiter Plaza, on the Captoline Hill in front of the Temple of Jupiter, to celebrate the beginning of the new year. It was a combined dinner and meeting.
Before those in attendance took their seats at the dinner table, Pontifex Maximus ƤЄƬƦƲƧ ƓƝƛЄƲƧ ƤƠMƤЄƖƲƧ offered prayers for Romanum and the coming year.
“Illustrious son of Saturn and Ops, king of the gods, ruler over Olympus and the god of sky and thunder in myth. Great Protector of the Republic, I plead for Your blessings upon us and be with us.”
"O Great Father, protector of Rome and her People, I am embarking on the most difficult journey of my life, and beg you to protect and guide me."
"May my actions reflect well on the people I hold dear, and may I never bring disgrace or dishonor on my family, my friends and the Gods! Jupiter, father and guardian of mankind, descended from Saturnus, to You is given the care of my fate.”
“Whatever path You have chosen for me, I will follow. Whatever my destiny, I will accept. I fear not the winding road before me, for you have laid it down for me. I fear not the darkness of the unknown, for your hand will guide me. I fear not the silence, for your voice speaks inside me.”
“I offer you the most sincere and heartfelt sacrifice that I can ever give You, Jupiter Optimus Maximus accept the tears that are rolling down my face and into the turibulum. May the incense and vapor of my tears convince You of my sincerity and abiding devotion to You.”
“May the Gods and Goddesses of Rome go with you as you set forth on new paths and bless you with nothing but good fortune and make all of your visions and dreams come true! Die dulci fruimini!”
“Father Jupiter, defender of cities, defender of homes, defender of the traveler, of those far from home, of those who rely on the refuges of civillization; kindly Jupiter who watches the world, friend of the fates, giver of good fortune, by your good will are our larders full, our children strong, our minds and bodies sound and vital; Jupiter from whom all good derives, whose gifts are sought by all, who knows troubles and our joys, who hears our calls, who answers them with wisdom and care; O Jupiter whose wrath falls on the wrong-doer, whose blessings come to those who are fair-minded and good of heart, who stands behind the guest and stranger. I praise you.”
“This is the first public session of the Senate, Anno 906 since-Founding-Rome, In the beginning. The 14th year of the regency of our beloved Imperator Stephanus.”
“Under the chairmanship of our Regent we open this public Senate session but first I invoke the blessings of the gods for the Senate, that their decisions will benefit the Empire and that the wisdom of Minerva will guide them.”
Regent Tybalt Galtier-Caproni then stated: “As is the Custom in Rome, our First Senate Meeting of the New Year is Held here at Capitoline Hill.”
The Regent expressed our thanks to Senator Tiberivs “for our Setting, Dinner and a fresh approach.”
The Regent invited the Senators and guests to take their seats.
The Regent continued: “As we look forward to a new year and the anniversary of the opening of the city, I am both overwhelmed by the possibilities ahead and excited for each of us to help write the next chapter in the story of Romanum. Years have passed Since Emperor Galtier began his odyssey and opened the city in the month of Mars MMX. These Years filled with events, friends & joyful memories, as well as tragedy, serve to remind me that our time here, together, is precious and fragile.”
“So before we start let’s take a minute of silence to acknowledge those who through their labors of love helped create those memories but can no longer be here now at the beginning of this, our next chapter.”
Opening of Senate Meeting
Senate Lead Ras called the meeting to order at 11:14 AM SLT and welcomed those present.
Roll Call of Senators
Ras Galtier Parthicus: Present
Eryx Etchegaray-Drake: Absent
ѕץяus Etchegaray- Đяαkє: Absent
Nҽɾσ Aɳƚσɳιυʂ Oƈƚαʋιυʂ Dɾαƙσɳ: Absent
Zarek Antonius: Present
Tiberivs Galtier Hadrianvs: Present
Jonny Galtier-Caproni: Present
Boby Galtier Leone Collinwood: Absent
Address by Regent
The Regent began by thanking everyone who provided and participated in all the Saturnalia events. He noted that we had numerous successful events for the season.
He continued: “Hand in hand with that is ensuring people who are here and contributing are recognized, feel a part of things, and that their diverse interests are being included as we plan and look forward to the new year.”
“My gratitude to people who have contributed time and financial support over the past year.”
Matters arising for discussions as proposed on the floor by Senators
Senate Lead Ras asked whether there are matters arising for discussion as proposed on the floor by Senators.
Senator Jonny Galtier-Caproni thanked Senator Tiberivs “for creating this beautiful setting for our meeting and festivities today.”
The Regent noted that “Senators have discussed some topics earlier this morning,” as follows:
I Empire Group titles to be updated and corrected to be current.
II Out of character objects and cleanup of them (which is ongoing).
III Areas and ways to focus on our financial solvency.
“And other activity areas and ideas. That’s a quick overview of what was discussed today and our focus this morning.”
Religious Life
The Senate Lead invited the Pontifex Maximus to comment.
The Pontifex Maximus referred to a discussion at the last meeting about whether the public can enter temples or not. He looked at historical records and found that only priests could enter temples in order to carry out their rituals. But in ancient Rome, temple doors were opened when a sermon was being given. However this is not possible in Romanum because the doors close automatically.
He stated that as regards the situation of our temples, nothing has changed.
He advised: “In February we would have celebrations in honor of Julius Caesar and God Cupid. I will not be able to lead these celebrations in February and there is also no corresponding priest for these deities, but everyone is at liberty to make a party. I'm thinking maybe of a romantic party in the spirit of God's Cupid. Hopefully March will give me more time again, in any case in March there will be the celebrations for Minerva and for the god Mars.”
The Regent then stated: “The weekends prior to anniversary traditionally are for Mars and Minerva as stated. The anniversary would be 24 March, but confirmation of exact dates is needed with the Emperor so he could participate.
The Regent noted that under the constitution, the tribunes’ terms of office have now all expired. He quoted the constitution: "Each Tribune of the Plebians term begins January 1 (or as defined by the Imperator)."
The Regent noted further that he had asked back in August about the tribune meetings, who is doing what and whether the meetings were going forward. And he has asked again. He stated further: “I haven’t pushed it or demanded anything, but they are not forgotten. If the Tribunes no longer take any responsibility at all for their own group, the Emperor and I are thinking of disbanding the tribunes. Not scolding or pointing fingers, but the interest is plainly not there. This is not definite, but action and a decision on it will need to happen soon.”
Upcoming Events
Ariel Vindelici stated that “Stendhra cannot be here at the meeting today ((due to RL stuff))” but had asked him to announce following events:
Saturday 14 January at 1 PM SLT : Imperial family dinner in the banquet room of the imperial palace of Romanum.
Saturday 28 January from 1 PM SLT to 3 PM SLT : New Year party in the grand ballroom of the Imperial palace of Romanum.
Ariel also announced as follows: “There will be the new Navy-Arsenal on Romanum 2 with quays, a large water-basin for future battles and races. The Romanum Legion under the lead of General Skip will be responsible for those battles and Naval Events, a bigger battle is planned for the Neptunalia in July. Regent Tybalt, Skip, Anthony and Ariel are involved in this project.”
The Regent mentioned that for navy-related bridges, he has found Ariel’s in place and he worked on those a bit, but in the end for sailing functionality, we need to restore the
the draw bridge style. He thanked Ariel and said, “we will have to go over particulars.”
The Pontifex Maximus reiterated that the festivals of Mars and Minerva will occur in March.
Other Business
Dakota expressed his appreciation to the Regent for all his support in his quest to become a charioteer, as well as the welcome from all the other charioteers.
The Regent returned to the subject of the Tribunes and said that if anyone has input and definite opinions on disbanding Tribunes or activating them, to please send a note. A decision will be made soon and he thinks the voices of people interested should be heard prior to that happening.
The Regent thanked Tiberivs for his beautiful work here and his ideas for the historically-based setting for this meeting, and thanked everyone for their flexibility to try something new like this.
Senate Lead Ras stated that the next Senate meeting will be held on Sunday February 12, 2023 at 11 AM SLT. The Senate Lead thanked everyone for their attendance and involvement, and to those who have made this new innovation of meeting at the Jupiter Plaza. He declared the Senate meeting adjourned.
The Regent invited people to continue with dinner and socializing, and to stay for dancing and celebration afterwards, with music to be provided by Proconsul Miles.