Emperor Stephanus Galtier
Senators: RegulusAntius Rufus, Wolf Confero, Tybalt Caproni, Ausus Equitius Calx, Januarius Vindelici, Booker Beningborough, Miles Maximus, Markus Pompeius-Vindelici
Citizens: Ejix E Silvercloud, Asharr Panius, Gaius Antigos, Alexi Romanov-Phoenix, Aurelius Romanov-Phoenix, Josh Argenteus Aurelius, Amare Lupum Confero, Jaron Warden-Vindelici, Stef Enduriago Antonius Drakon, Darkar, Tolomeo Confero, Qarbon Kamala Parthicus, Leon Sirius Aquillius, Eloy Parthicus, Beachboy Kling, Iliyas Riina, Rhomulus, Rhemus, Derek Lyons Aquillius, Phedro, Leo Verus Aquillius, Milo, Strandi, Renatinecicinecinka
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: I want to start by saying something about our beloved Senator Cato. As most of you have seen he has been struck by a serious illness. He will recover but it will be a somewhat long recovery, up to 6 weeks I am told. You may see him online here, so that is good. I spoke with him in RL and he is in good spirits. A real fighter. So please give him warm thoughts of healing and prayers. And if you see him online, feel free to greet him.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: Our own Joyce Redrose-O'Black (joyce.redrose) had volunteered to be our ambassador to women in particular to other Sims outside Romanum. We are not changing our focus as a gay male Sim. We are just trying to engendered some roleplay with these other Sims. I will give Ixion a report to distribute on her first trip abroad.
Asharr Panius: I would like to ask since you will be establishing these relationships how does this affect the current rules for women here and what would entice them to visit surely not naked parties where they can't be naked.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: There are no changes to our focus or rules. This is meant solely as a way to establish more roleplay among ancient Sims.
Wolf Confero: It is my understanding, part of what prompted Joyce to do this, was the growing number of women in the city. She volunteered to make sure women here know the rules and help them adapt and find ways to RP with us, without interrupting our way of life here as we know it. So her goal is to make things more comfortable for all and increase RP potential between us and some of the other sims. If you see a woman in Romanum, that appears new, feel free to give them Joyce's name, and she will help acclimate them and make sure they know our rules and customs.
RegulusAntius Rufus: I am extremely against any female involvement in Romanum. It makes no sense to attract women to Romanum when they cannot be full citizens. I am irate such a thing was done without consultation with the senators.
Wolf Confero: Many feel the way Regulus does. I've heard this from many, and I can understand and sympathize. But unless we plan to ban women, this is the best option to make sure women in Romanum acclimate to us and do not disturb our current way of life. It was meant to solve a potential problem, before the problem has a chance to grow.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: I appreciate Regulus' concern. We are not trying to get more women here per se. Wolf explained it better than I. Joyce will help any women who do come here to know the rules here. But I will add though, for example, there is some ancient Sims where some government leaders are women. We would welcome state visits from them. Exactly as we have done with Sparta and Queen Till. I wish to remind everyone of one thing. From the day Romanum opened in 2010, women were not forbidden in Romanum. We welcomed them as long as they followed our rules regarding women, i.e. proper dress and behavior in public and no buying of land and no joining of primarily male groups such as the Legion and Gladiators. So as Wolf said, Joyce is trying to help any women who do show up here and the rules of our Sim.
RegulusAntius Rufus: We don't have a problem to solve. There are rules regulating the involvement of women in Romanum. It does seem to me, Emperor, that we are are recruiting women. I am totally against any additional involvement of women in Romanum. PERIOD. I treat women with respect but I don't want a female dominated Romanum and that is what we open ourselves up to.
Markus Pompeius - Vindelici: the gay community always speaks of tolerance and so we should be tolerant and relaxed enough to let women visit our sim. in that case i agree to the emperor.
Asharr Panius: I agree with some of what Regulus says women cannot be full citizens, at most a lot are second class visitors most ignore or comment on them as why they are here, the only way most have interacted in the past is with a male alt. And what RP do they have to look forward to can't be a gladiator, legionnaire or any position.
Wolf Confero: I also want to add, that we are aware that many of us are not comfortable with women around, because of the highly sexual nature of some of our RP and locations. We recently added signs in front of these locations, stating women are not allowed in them, and one of the things I asked Joyce to be sure to convey, is to pay attention to these signs, and give us our privacy. We would do the same at their home or sim, and we expect them to treat our personal and public sexual spaces with respect as well. We already have women here, so our goal to to make sure we still provide you with the environment we are used to and are comfortable with.
Gaius Antigos: May I ask, were there a lot problems with female visitors in the past? Does that make it necessary to have an ambassador? As for female leaders from ancient sims I would assume they would know the rules and behave accordingly. I do share Regulus concern about making it look as if we are recruiting women.
Januarius Vindelici: I am also against the exclusion of women. Ladies like Joyce and Nessie have contributed a lot to life here.
Wolf Confero: The remodel did many wonderful things for us, but had some unintended things result from it as well. You might remember he large amounts of modern visitors we had for a while. That has calmed down a bit, but it did attract more women to the sims and many have started to make this either their home, or a regular RP spot. Joyce saw a problem, and volunteered to help us with it. I want to say, we did not go to her. She came to us and volunteered, because she wants to help us keep the way of life we are used to. We should all extend her a note of gratitude because I know how much work it can be, chasing down someone new, trying to explain without being rude or off putting. She has taken on a large, sensitive job for us. And think it says a lot to her character to want to do this for Romanum. Please give her a chance to do this. I think it will all be ok in the end.
Ejix E. Silvercloud: turns to Markus P. I want to reiterate your view regarding creating a tolerant environment, not just for women visitors but for all. For example, I trust you will be equally welcoming to Muslim visitors from the eastern parts of the Empire and beyond.
RegulusAntius Rufus: This is preposterous! What are we? A place where men can ne men? If you want it otherwise, recruit more women. And that is what you are doing gentlemen. And why bring this to discussion if it is a fait accompli.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: I will speak more intimately with my dear Regulus privately but NOTHING is changing regarding women. Women have been allowed here since day one and that will never change. But we do not encourage women here. We are friendly and respectful though. Here is our rules, please read it: So once again, Joyce, who we all know has volunteered to help any female visitors we do get to understand our rules here. She is doing a service for us. And I opened a can of worms based on how I described roleplay opportunities. Please remember Queen Till of Sparta. She has been here numerous times in her capacity as Queen. Did that lead to a major influx of women? No. What DID lead to a major influx of women for awhile was MY silly effort to get Romanum on the SL Editor's List. We are no longer on that list. We have been cycled off. So please do not get too concerned. Nothing is changing regarding women.
ƛԼЄҲƖ ŔƠMƛƝƠѴ-ƤӇƠЄƝƖҲ: Its a question of perception by the outside Romanum SL world. In the new world, the race for gender equality has produced violent demonstrations. I see the potential for that type of interaction by new incoming females here.
Wolf Confero: I want to clarify something the Emperor said. Joyce is going to other sims as part of her Ambassador job. She is not going to these sims to bring women here. In fact, part of what she is doing, is encouraging these women interested in ancient rp in Romanum, to play on these other sims, and get acclimated to them. Not so much as a "get out of Romanum" measure, but to show that they can live in a place more suited for their lifestyle, and still rp with us in a way that is more comfortable for everyone involved. I hope that clears up any misunderstanding there might have been about recruiting or her trips abroad.
RegulusAntius Rufus: Fall asleep if you want. Joke if you want. This is important. Something is indeed changing. You are recruiting women. and I am livid this was not discussed before it was implemented.
- 16 July at noon is the dedication of the new flag and anthem. It will start outside the Temple of Caesar with a procession of dignitaries. The Legion will form up, and there will be speeches. Then the flag will be raised, The anthem will play and Crito Galtieri will release fireworks. There will then be a demonstration of gladiatorial skills in the Flavian Amphitheatre, followed by a dance with Rector Tybalt, DJ.
- 21-24 July is Neptunalia, the Festival of Neptune. In addition to the usual activities, there will be: opening at Neptune's temple; blessing of fountains at public places and private houses ; party near the temple on Friday; Saturday gladiators, chariot tournament; Sunday ship battle, rowing race; Monday mermen race, Neptune's party
- RegulusAntius Rufus: I am happy to announce that, at long last, the Emperor has allowed me to have land and a villa in Romanum. I will probably be in my villa by next week. And, when I am done decorating it, I shall invite one and all and anyone you know who is looking for a interesting time to visit. I wish that all new landowners would extend such an invitation to their new neighbours. In return, I would like to propose some kind of welcoming committee for new owners. Perhaps we could come bearing gifts such as a new slave. If you are interested in a welcome wagon, I would be glad to chair the committee.
- Senator auction.
Wolf Confero: I am not happy that another auction, meant to auction off senators, was not first discussed with the senators. I would never assume to offer to auction the Emperor, for example. So I do not think it was appropriate to just assume the senators would be "ok" with this. Many of us are not, and now feel pressured to participate, and frankly, that is not right. I would not normally bring this up in an open forum such as this, but the proposal to "sell us off to the highest bidder" was brought up in this open forum previously., so, that is how I shall respond. In the future, such things, should be brought to all parties potentially involved privately if they expect full cooperation. I for one, will not be.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: Wolf is always honest with me. Yes, we could have had a private Senate meeting or poll instead of discussing it in an open Senate meeting. I suggest a private poll be taken, but it appears as though this idea may not happen (the auction).
Tybalt Caproni: in regard to the auction, if I had been asked directly to participate by being auctioned & been given details of what the parameters are times & dates, I'd be apt to participate. However I have not been asked, and I do not believe any senators have been asked directly. It was simply announced & everyone has assumed Senators were asked & informed & on board. In short someone would need to ASK us if we are willing to do this before announcing it in public & making public plans for our time & participation without checking with us personally. It's fine & might be fun but gone about strangely.
Januarius Vindelici: It was a shock to find I was being auctioned like a commodity or a servus. I agree with the Proconsul and the Rector. With careful preparation, it could proceed, I think
Booker Beningborough: I for one thought it could be a night of providing company. I was not seeing it as a time for an orgy. Companionship was the thought on my regard. I may be naive, but it would not be the first time.
RegulusAntius Rufus: I agree with Wolf and sympathize with Januarius. These should be discussed, whether in public or in private.
Wolf Confero: I have even heard some families are trying to make plans for "their Senator" to be purchased by someone they know to prevent potential discomfort. They should not feel they have to do this just to save face. In response to Booker, it may not even be orgy or sex in general, it may be things of humiliation that a Senator would not normally do, at the expense of them. It's just frankly opening a door many are not comfortable with.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: I want to decide what we do about the Auction. Do we cancel it here and now or have Booker take a private poll?
Wolf Confero: private poll, at least give them a chance to voice what they want
Miles Maximus: private poll would be the most fair approach, I think. Need to be fair to Wes also, and give it a chance.
Wolf Confero: we have a group for this :)
Januarius Vindelici: Let Wes put a proposal and Senators can discuss
Markus Pompeius - Vindelici agrees
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: Let's have Booker lead a private poll with Senators. If Senators choose not to do this Auction, let's give Wes a chance to come up with a new idea.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: The land ownership incentive program did have some success. Not as much as I had hoped but Romanum still has an overabundance of lots
and that is the main problem.
Sparta's future. Emperor Stephanus Galtier: I spoke briefly with King Jaen about a week or so ago. Although he did get an influx of lindens to help pay July's tiers..
He is unsure how successful he will be in the future. So Sparta's future remains uncertain. But I am hopeful they can remain. I did hear though a favorite Sim of mine (sarcasm) closed, Apollonian Empire. Sorry for my lack of sorrow.
Next Senate meeting will be on 13AUG at 11am SLT
Ixion Parthicus
Senate Scribe