Proxy: Senator Janu Shimada Vindelici for Senator Gaius Antigos
- Senator Stef Endriago Antonius Drakon announced that his son Twiz Antonius has established the Furius family, a stirps of the Antonius family, and will henceforth be known as Agrippa Furius Felix Wassep. Congratulations were offered all around.
- Senator D. Rad Parthicus announced that: a) he and Stef Antonius have given up their seats as Senators in order to focus on their positions as Consul; and, b) there will now be four Proconsuls, those being Ausus (Gambit) Equitius Calx, Booker Beningborough (who currently hold this office) and two new appointments - Alexi Romanov-Phoenix and Agrippa Furius Felix Wassep.
- Emperor Stephanus Galtier reviewed key features of the constitution, noting that a) we now have four Proconsuls, b) the section on Magistrates (i.e., Estate Managers) is removed. Sim Owners will now appoint an estate manager as they deem necessary, and c) the section on Tribunes has been updated to include the new number of Tribunes (now five instead of 10), to reflect a change in the role of Proxy at Tribune meetings (they now cannot vote).
- Consul Drakon announced a change in the policy regarding the use of tags. It is now the responsibility of all in Romanum, while performing a role in any official event or while performing within that role, to wear the appropriate tag. "This is a small gesture to help improve the RP within Romanum and will also allow people to easily identify who is who within the community. An example of this would be that all senators regardless of any other roles/positions they hold in Romanum, would wear the appropriate senate group tag while at this meeting".
- Asharr Furius Panius inquired about any updates to the job description of the event coordinators. Senator Janu Shimada Vindelici replied that a note asking for clarification has been sent and Consul Parthicus also noted that the matter is under active review and a decision is forthcoming.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier spoke about the 2019 Tribune Election. The following dates were announced:
- January 13-26: Join the contest and campaign
- January 27-February 9: Citizens cast their vote(s)
- February 10: Winners announced (unless a tie)
- February 10-16: Election tie breaker (if required)
- February 17: Tie-breaker winner announced (required).
This year we are electing five Tribunes. Current Tribunes may run for re-election. There will be a photo board outside for candidates to post their pictures. Ejix and Janu will act as the election committee to help run the election campaign (helping with ad posters and the like). Given this year's unusual voting requirements, namely up to 3 votes per citizen but each vote per citizen must be for someone else, we will manually count the votes. Proconsuls are eligible to run for the office of Tribune. Each citizen may cast up to three votes. Each vote must be for a separate candidate, in other words you cannot vote for one candidate twice or three times.
Tribune GaryMike Maximus spoke to encourage everyone to run for the office of Tribune: "The past year as Tribune has been a very rewarding experience for me. I have learned so much about service, politics, and camaraderie. I have appreciated the discussions and sometime rancorous discourse, and truly respect and value my fellow Tribunes. I would especially like to express deep heartfelt gratitude to Tribune Leader Ras for his dedication. He is truly an inspiration to all of us in Romanum".
Tribune Lead Ras Parthicus reported on the current state of various matters. The current Tribunate will continue to function until the new one is elected. The matter of Servi/Slaves has been deferred until after the election of the new Tribunes. One item (a submission regarding urban design) awaits action by the Emperor and Consuls. Two matters have been sent to the Senate for action (building assistance in time of calamities, and changes to roads to allow easier progress for chariots).
Ras reported on changes to the Welcome Centre. He and Tribune Rugger have built a model of the Welcome Centre based on the plan Rugger submitted along with the proposal carried at the last Plebeian meeting. Senate lead Booker requested this to assist Senators in learning how the Welcome Centre would look/function under Rugger's proposed layout. The recommendation that the free Romanum clothing in the Welcome pack in the Visitor Centre be upgraded to a more stylish yet simple garment in tune with 2nd Century fashions been referred for the Senate's consideration. Consul Parthicus commended the Tribunes for their impressive work on this matter and noted that it has been sent to the Senators for approval. Emperor Galtier asked Rugger and Ras to supervise the construction of the Welcome Centre.
Senator Vindelici reported that we had a very successful Saturnalia. 23 people attended the opening by Flamen Petrus. 28 attended the banquet and dance that followed. Janu presented a ghost story and Flamen Kaeso dedicated the new Legion fort. The report was met with resounding applause and congratulations.
Emperor Galtier reported that the Consuls have put together a draft job description for the Pontifex Maximus and for religious life in general in the empire. He stated his expectation that the Pontifex Maximus and his priests with the events coordinators.
Zarek Antonius updated the assembly on the activities of the RP Committee. An Imperial Laurel of Honour, to recognize those who have made significant contributions to Romanum, will be presented by the Emperor on January 26th.
Zarek also reported on changes to their RP activities being made by the Alexandrians, and that he is holding meetings with their coordinator to ensure common rules. Further updates will follow.
The RP committee is discussing a number of events for the upcoming six months, including a celebration of the opening of new areas of Pompeii, official ceremonies for people elected/appointed to leadership roles in Romanum, more "Roman"-like RP crucifixion and lion events, the Lupercalia in February and Romanum Anniversary in March, and, more activity by the pontifices to encourage religious festivals each month.
Tribune leader Ras Parthicus noted that a meeting of the Slave/Servi conference was held last October and another meeting will occur this year.
Flamen skyrimnar relayed a message of concern from former Pontifex Bacchii, Cato. Cato noted that the Bacchus Cult has been a major part of Romanum since the beginning. Started by Sexus it was the home for all slaves and was the centre for training and auctioning of new servus to the city. Cato further expressed his concern that, over time, the Bacchus Temple has lost its role in slave training and left only to train servi for sexual activities. This runs contrary to its original focus and role in the temple. "We are not giving the new slaves the entire spectrum of Romanum servus. I do implore of the senate at this time to make the Bacchus Cult a part of the overall entire slave training process as it was and should be" he concluded.
Next open senate meeting: Sunday 10 February at 11:00am SLT
Ejix E Silvercloud, Tribune Scribe acting for Ixion Parthicus Ἰξίων Παρθικος, Senate Scribe