Senate meeting minutiae 14JUL2019
Emperor Stehanus Galtier
Consuls: D Rad Parthicus, Stef Endriago Octavius Drakon
Senators: Miles Maximus, Tybalt Caproni, Booker Beningborough, Janu Shimada Vindelici, Aurelius Romanov-Phoenix, Petrus Gnaeus Pompeius, Nero Antonius Octavius Drakon
Citizens: Ruggeris Britannicus, Caylix Octavius Azucar, GaryMike Maximus, Dax Vayander Parthicus, Ulrik, Paolo Parthicus Vindelici, Ariel Parthicus-Vindelici, Alexi Romanov-Phoenix, Sir Helios of Dacia, Popov, Zarek Antonius, Pax Magnus Pompeius, Ras Parthicus, Mardrakus Hekatos, Wircin Luckstone Parthicus
Senator Janu Shimada Vindelici proxy for Senator Strymon Odrysius Parthicus
Senator Alexi Romanov-Phoenix for Senator Damon Leone-Felidae
Senator Gaios Antigos
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: First, I bring greetings from Regulus, who is making further recovery at a good pace. Both he and I are grateful for all of you who have thought of us, prayed for us and stood in for us these past 3 to 4 months. It truly was a trying time. But I want to bring to your attention another important member of our community, Proconsul Ausus Equitius Calx (gambit.broome). He too has suffered a serious health emergency. Last week he was in the hospital suffering from pneumonia and a heart attack. He too is on the road to recovery and is in fact online now. But like my husband, he is an older gentleman and has his health challenges. So please give Gambit your love and well wishes. As I announced a few days, I am ending my Leave of Absence and resuming my duties as Emperor. I want to especially thank Consuls Rad and Stef for standing in for me, but also our great Proconsuls.
D. Rad Parthicus: I trust by now that you all know our Proconsul, Agrippa, has left Romanum to make his fortune elsewhere. It was my task to identify a replacement for him. I looked around the community and saw many, capable, dedicated, smart men who could fill this role. So I asked myself who stood out, who was present more than most, who knew people more than most, who had shown commitment to Romanum more than most.... Again, a crowded field, but slowly the perfect choice emerged. To some he's just a tavern keeper, but if you look past your third pint, you find so much more. He leads a wonderful family, plays a vital role in the social life of our community, helps new people integrate, always offers a sympathetic ear and a keen smile. His advice is critical, as when helping me to design the new Pompeii, and he unabashedly is a booster of this, our shared home. He understands the challenges we face and knows how to approach sensitive situations with sensitivity. Importantly, he also knows when to ask for help, when to step back, when to take an alternative route. So, I hope you will all join in welcoming our newest Proconsul Miles Maximus!
III. CITY EVENTS by Senator Janu Shimada Vindelici:
1 Past events
The Pontifex Maximus dedicated the new Temple of Diana and inaugurated Flamen Talos. He also inaugurated Valerius as Flamen Apollonis. Ixion is giving guided tours.
2 Future events
Neptunalia starts on 19 July. Pontifex Ariel and I can arrange to bless your fountains. Rector Tybalt is planning contests
3 Second Pride
I am very grateful to Senator Tybalt, Prince Jin, and Tribunes Ras, Ruggeris amd Popov for all the hard work they have put in, before and during the festival. Our Pavilion will be in place till April, if anyone has any suggestions on using it
4 What can you do?
Last meeting, and in notices, I asked for volunteers to assist with the following
4.1 Volunteer to give guided tours of the City. Ixion is running these
4.2 Spend an hour or two, at our Pride Pavilion, to talk to visitors.
4.3 Would you like to help organise Mr Romanvm, in the autumn?
4.4 Would you like to open your house for a dance, a dinner, ar a chat.
4.5 Would you like to host a sporting event?
Senator Petrus held a garden party. Prince Jin and Senator Petrus have expressed an interest in Mr Romanum
I hope others will come forward
D. Rad Parthicus: Thank you, nice report, Janu. I want to emphasize how important Neptunalia is for us all and to ask everyone to think of participating and of ways that they can perhaps even plan a theme-related event. On top of that, please share the information with your families and friends.
IV. TRIBUNATE REPORT by Tribune Leader Ras Parthicus
We, the Tribunes and Plebeians of Romanum, welcome back our beloved Emperor Stephanus Galtier to full duties and the God's continued blessings on husband RegulusAntius Rufus.
Welcome Centre Matters: The matter of upgrading the free outfit in the giveaway kits at the Welcome Centre will be taken up with the Emperor. A basic, modest toga that Identifies Romanum/SPQR has been produced that should fit 6 different types of mesh body. A "Pride" version was included in the giveaway package at the Romanum Pavilion. Since 19 June there have been 330 visitors to the Welcome Centre - quite a number from outside of Romanum.
Video Competition: An entry form for the Video Competition was issued through the two Romanum groups on 1 July. At this stage there has been no interest shown, so after some comments received and in discussion with the Emperor I will be issuing an amended entry form. It will extend the closure time till 31 August - reduce the prizes to two, making them L10,000 and L5,500 for 1st and 2nd and reduce the minimum video time to three minutes.
PRIDE 2019: The Romanum Pavilion at PRIDE, that displayed aspects of life at our home and inviting attendees to pay us a visit, attracted over 100 visitors during the ten day Festival in June. The Event Coordinators report covers the Festival and I endorse the acknowledgments therein. As the Event Coordinators mention, one thing that does need to be followed up is that we have the Pavilion at the Pride Sim for 10 months - what we can do there to attract people to Romanum.
Role Play: The Plebeian Assembly and Tribune meetings have discussed how might general, small role plays be encouraged. Whether the role play is spontaneous or organised, the main ingredient is participants - Romanum people ready to play their roles in our society. We are looking for suggestions from Tribunes and Plebeians alike and whatever we come up with, will be shared with the Role Play Committee.
How Roman Should Romanum be? As one Tribune stated, the above subject might open a pandora's glory box, as people seem to have different ideas on how far rules and guidelines on infrastructure and avatar appearance should be pursued. We will be providing time for discussion of topical topics at the Plebeian Assembly meetings.
I am pleased to advised that Joby is now the Scribe for the Tribunate. The next meeting of the Plebeian Assembly will be held 28 July 2019 at 8am SLT in the Pompeii Court House.
Nero Antonius Octavius Drakon: I love the points the tribunes made about roleplay and opening one's home as Petrus has done wonderfully but I also want to remind people that these small moments in public can actually attract others and give some life to the moment, eet in the pub or at a park, a temple, etc.
V. SLAVE GROUP UPDATE by Consul Stef Endriago Octavius Drakon
I would first like to start off recognizing and giving a big thanks to each member of the group that helped create the approved Romanum Slave Role and Expectations document. Senators Janu Vindelici & Miles Maximus, Tribune Ruggeris Britannicus, Slaver Mardrakus Hekatos, Citizen Skyrimnar Leone and Servus Ixion Parthicus. After several months and many hours of discussion, the Slave Codex was finalized and approved on 6/25/19. A copy has been placed in the slave info dispenser in the Welcome Center along with on our Romanum website ( We will not be taking any questions on the document during this meeting, but we do ask that you take some time after the meeting to thoroughly read through it. If then you have any questions after reading through it, please send a NC to any member of the group, Consul Rad or myself.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: Karuvium is holding a tribute to the Late King August Florian of Sybaris who passed 5 years ago this month. He was one of the original citizens of Romanum. The tribute is at noon today.
Meeting adjourned.
Next open Senate meeting on Sunday 11 August at 11:00am.
Ix Parthicus
Senate Scribe