Minutes of the open meeting of 20MAY2018
Present: Emperor Stephanus Galtier
Senators: Miles Maximus, Cato Leone Elen, Booker Beningborough, Tybalt Caproni, Janu Shimada Vindelici, Nero Creticus Antonius Drakon, Eryx Etchegaray-Drake, syrus Etchegaray-Drake, Markus Vindelici, Damon Leone Elen MacFanatic, Aurelius Romanov-Phoenix
Citizens: Zarek Antonius, Twizted Antonius Drakon, Elavor, Luca Fabio, Tiberivs Antonius Hadrianvs, Gaius Clinius Maecenas Octavian, Alexi Romanov-Phoenix, Ulrik MacFanatic, Zander Antonius, Pax Magnus Pompeius, Brat Clintorision, Petrus Gnaeus Pompeius, Ras Parthicus, Qarbon, Strymon O Aemilius Parthicus, Rasberia D Aemilia Parthicus, Ejix E Silvercloud. Damion Draco Antonius, Erik Van Haller, Xanthus Phoenix, Lesly Ivanov, Joris Africanus Azucar, GaryMike Maximus, Popov, Duracuir
Proxies: Twizted Antonius Drakon for Senator Sƚҽϝ Eɳԃɾιαɠσ Aɳƚσɳιυʂ Dɾαƙσn, Strymon O Aemilius Parthicus for Senator Rad Parthicus, Zarek Antonius for Senator Marcus Antonius, janu Shimada Vindelici for Senator Gaius Antigos
The first Tribune election result: Alexi Inside-ROMANOV-PHOENIX, Anus Octavi-anus, candyboy Allen, Elavor, GaryMike Maximus, Luca Antonius Hadrianus, Ras Parthicus, Ruggeris Britannicus, Twiztid Antonius Drakon, Zander Antonius Hadrianus.
The inaugural Tribunate meeting elected Ras Parthicus as lead, and Ejix Silvercloud was appointed scribe.
Ras Parthicus: The Tribunate will meet 4th Sunday of each month, the first meetings after the inaugural one, to be held on 27th May.
- a private meeting at 10am and a Plebeian meeting at 11am. The private meeting will be held in the room under the temple of Saturn. The Plebeian meeting will be held at the Rostra in the Forum Romanum. We expect fairly robust meetings. The Tribunes are here to represent the plebeians of Romanum - their energies will be directed to this - but also to helping to increase activity in Romanum, seeking ideas from our electors and from amongst the Tribune ranks. It is hoped to increase role play and plebeian involvement in such events. This Tribunate has only eight months to develop the role of the Tribunes before the next group is elected. We will be trying hard to lay the foundations for a successful/practical implementation of the Tribunes. This includes sorting out operational, constitutional and electoral matters and how we interact with the people and with the other arms of government. We look forward to to a good working relationship with the Senate. And to the good will of the Gods and the protection of the Plebeians of Romanum.
Ixion Parthicus: Statement from the Senate and Tribunate scribes on administration and communication issues. To allow both organs of state to function smoothly, the Senate and Tribunate scribes (Ixion Particus and Ejix Silvercloud) will set up a communication channel allow any law proposals, bills, petitions, and motions to be tabled and exchanged for discussion and deliberation. Any agenda items for future open and closed meetings should be offered for inclusion in advance, with accompanying papers and project proposals.Both Senate and Tribune leaders will conduct their meeting business based on this. The scribes will table and archive all law proposals, enactments, meeting minutes and relevant business in the Bibliotheca and on the forum for consultation and research. Both scribes will also provide back up for each other and expect to be allowed to attend all meetings when required.
Elavor: I would love, if I may, to request that the merchants within the forum are prevented from selling or stocking fresh or past their best fruit and vegetables on the days that open meetings of the Tribune are to be held or failing that than an allowance for laundry is provided to those men taking part.
Ras Parthicus: The tribunes have yet to meet and discuss operational procedures but will will bear in mind what the scribes propose as they sound eminently suitable.
zαиdεя Aитσиινѕ: May I place on public record my thanks to Tribune Ras for stepping up to become the Tribune Lead, he has already been working hard to pull everything and everyone together, no easy task.
Even co-ordinators report: Janu Shimada Vindelici: The first Romanum Floralia festival was held. Congratulations to Tiberivs Antonius Hadrianvs, the winner of the garden contest. Thanks to all competitors, to the judges, and to Senators Markus and Cato, for arranging the party in the winning garden.
We are looking at events for the following festivals, with possible dates:
May - Mercuralia Senator Cato is planning an event
July – Neptunalia. 8-15 July
8-25 August Vulcanalia
September - Ceres Festival of harvest
October - Diana hunting festival Including hunting contest, and hunt ball
November - Mr Romanum
December - Saturnalia
- The Homines de Ars are planning an event for the Festival of Dionysius, and opening ceremonies for the Omnes de Ars Theater in the Domus de Ars and a show at the Pompeii Amphitheatre to celebrate Pompeii rising from the the ashes of the Volcanic Explosion. If anyone is interested in performing, please contact Ras Parthicus.
- We are having discussions with some external promoters about possible events and venues, linked to festivals Also, some events may link to the 2018 Relay for Life. Local organisers are welcome to link to festivals.
- Popov has opened two new art exhibitions at the Galeria on Rom IX.
If anyone would like help in organising an event, please let us know. We have a good list of contacts. Or in adding events to the calendar. Senator Markus and I will try to answer any questions.
Tiberivs Antonius Hadrianvs: About Theatre of Romanum, will there be any event?
anu Shimada Vindelici: Tiberivs - None planned yet. But I hope we will
Cato Leone Elen: Not really a question. Qarbon and I did an event t Temple of Diana a few weeks ago in lieu of a major festival. I honestly was not planning anything bigger as I am already spread thin myself. If we want a large event please contact me and we can discuss.
Tybalt Caproni: when is Festival of Dionysius scheduled (tentative even) for The Homines de Ars? & show in Pompeii?
Janu Shimada Vindelici: No date yet - Ras is working on it
Ras Parthicus: Just to add to what Janu has said - no dates yet but the sooner i can get some volunteers the sooner i can get the rutiens[?] completed.
Nҽɾσ Cɾҽƚιƈυʂ Aɳƚσɳιυʂ Dɾαƙσɳ: I wonder if it might be advantageous and possible to have a list of Romanum based DJs and friends of Romanum DJs, those wanting to be listed of course. It would aid them in getting offers (that they can refuse of course) and help people who might need one. I think I would prefer to only hire DJs from Romanum if possible.
Nҽɾσ Cɾҽƚιƈυʂ Aɳƚσɳιυʂ Dɾαƙσɳ: I would be interested in hearing how we are doing with the Relay for Life fundraiser.
Strymon O. Aemilius Parthicus: I was planning this announcement and hope it will answer Senator Nero question too. Thanks of the nice party Senator Tybalt set, many of you have already heard that we have registered Romanum team for the RFL which is SL branch of the American Cancer Society. RFL is a charity cause which many sims are supporting, not a single event so there is no beginning or end, nor limit of the events that can be dedicated for the cause. I am happy to announce that our team have already collected a bit more then 35 000 L. A lot were collected on its official opening party last Friday, set by Senator Tybalt and hosted by Miles. I want to thank also to Ras, for his support too. Also "Imperium Romanum" as team has been awarded with bronze already, which even is just the first step of the RFL cooperation awards, i was told is the fastest earned award for new team. For this I want to thank to and congratulate all who have worked and donated for it. Kiosks are placed in the info center at the forum and in Pompeii, as well as in Parthicus Inn and in Romanum club I believe. There is as well an yearly event that RFL is organising. It is kind of 2 days marathon with a track was crossing about 30 sims. Teams are allowed to get land there, to present themselves and keep collecting donations. Each team that has camp is asked to have a member/s on the track most of the time (14th and 15th July). Still for this year we have decided we are not yet prepared enough to make a campsite as it is also matching with a festival planned in Romanum for the same dates. Even so I would like to encourage everyone who feels engaged to visit this event and to make at least one lap there just to see what it is and how is organized and by this also to support the cause. Until then we will keep organising events here and participate as team in other events that are organised by RFL. Right now we have small stall for Imperium Romanum the Home and garden expo, which started yesterday. I would like to encourage all of you who want to help us work for this cause, to contact me or Rasberia D. Aemilia Parthicus for more information, coordination and any questions you may have.
Cato Leone Elen: Zoo in finally stages just completing all the small details now. Thank you for those whom sponsor. There are still animals left for sponsoring. Those un-sponsored will be replaced with static copies on, or around 5/30, to keep the costs and time needed to tend low. If you know anyone whom may be interested in "working" at the zoo please have them contact me. Grand opening set for 6/1 at noon in the Arnold Maximus Memorial Pavilion in the zoo center.
Cato Leone Elen: We have reached our donation goal in record time for our sponsorship and presence at SLP [Second Life Pride]. We thank you kindly for your donations. You will be notified when everything is set. (no booth) just adverting this year.
Tybalt Caproni: What level of sponsorship did we get?
Cato Leone Elen: Diamond package. trying to upgrade to next for 2 DJ spots.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: We have the money. Just need the slot.
Tybalt Caproni: Diamond - 30,000L$ / Community Directory listing on Second Pride sim / Advertising Columns around Festival area / Event Stage Sponsorship / Prime Time Event with DJ of your choice
Cato Leone Elen: I would like to put forth the name of Qarbon to be brought to a vote as to be given a senatorial seat. He Has been a great part of our city, knows the history and, I fee, would be a great candidate.
Booker Beningborough: Those positions are not voted upon, Cato. It is out of order here.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: Cato, the Consul will consider your nomination
Zarek Antonius: Looking at info provided today, it appears nothing is happening in June - no Senate Mtg or events - why is that?
Tybalt Caproni: Second Pride Festival to be held June 15th - 24th, 2018.) & romanum is a diamond sponsor.
Zarek Antonius: What ever happened to the RP Committee? I attended the first (I believe) Mtg but have not seen nothing since
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: Gaius Antigos was in charge. Please speak to him.
Janu Shimada Vindelici: If this was Senator Gaius, we had two meetings, then his RL intervened. He's not been able to be here
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: Maybe we need to appoint a new RP coordinator. I will first ask Gaius if he can no longer do it.
Meeting adjourned. The next meeting is Sunday, July 8, at 11:00 SLT
Ixion Parthicus Ἰξίων Παρθικος
Senate Scribe