Open Senate meeting MINUTIAE 12NOV2017
Emperor Stephanus Galtier
Proconsuls: Booker Beningborough, Wolf Confero, Ausus Equitius Calx
Senators: Tybal Caproni, Gaius Antigos, Janu Shimada Vindelici, Uncasnow, Miles Maximus, Markus Pompeius-Vindelici
Citizens: Asharr Panius, Desiderium Baiae, Aurelius Romanov-Phoenix, Alexi Romanov-Phoenix, Petrus Pompeius-Vindelici, Giles, Gaius Mativs Calvena, Strymon O Aemilius Parthicus, Willowserafin, Ilyas Riina, Skip Scipio, Gaius Cilnius Maecenas Octavian, Wesker Naevius, GaryMike Maximus, Qarbon, Tiberivs Hadrianvs, candyboy Allen, Rhomulus, Damon Collinwood Leone Elen, Dale Stromfield, Ari Elen Maximus, Joeh Acker
Proxies: Strymon for Senator Rad Parthicus
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: Well, for anyone who knows American history, you will know it took many weeks to write the American Constitution. The Romanum Sim owners have met twice on this. But we need to meet at least one more time. I had hope to have it done by now. But it may take another month before the Senate sees it for their advice and input. As the agenda suggests the most exciting news is the creation of a new legislative body in ADDITION to the Senate. We are calling it the Tribune of the People. And those who serve on that body will be elected by the citizens of Romanum. The new Constitution will spell the details on that including the election process. But besides the new Tribune of the People. The rest of the constitution is mostly formalizing current practice with some tweaking. I cannot give you all an exact date. But now I hope to see elections for the Tribune of the People after January 1.
Janu Shimada Vindelici: So The Tribune will have real power, while the Senate and this meeting are consultative? Is that right?
Booker Beningborough: I believe all that will be discussed in the Sim Owner meetings. (Janu Shimada Vindelici: So it's not definite?) The Emperor stated that details are still bing discussed and they will bring them to the Senate afterwards.
Janu Shimada Vindelici: Sorry - I thought the Emperor said the Tribune is definite. I would like to know – Is this all proposals, or is part already settled?
Asharr Panius: You would need to define the real power you are suggesting once the document is tabled if your not a sim owner or group owner i'm unsure what "Real Power" is on offer done
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: First Booker is correct. We are still working the details. The Tribune of the People is what the Sim Owners have already agreed in principle will exist along with the Senate. But the word "power" is a loaded word. One must look at this from both ancient Roman history during the Imperial Period as well as practical modern world SL Sim ownership perspective. What we want to accomplish is to have many voices be heard. We have the Senate which is appointed by me. And the new Tribune of the People elected directly by the citizens. Both bodies would provide guidance and advice to me and the Sim owners. In my opinion, having a formal voice is a form of "power".
Wesker Naevius: I do believe that if you have any "power" put to the people you are undermining what Rome is about. The senate and the one ruler who is head of the empire and thus bringing the Roman rp into the modern times. Which you can have if you go out of the door, this is supposed to be a place that is Roman rp not what is around you RL.
Tybalt Caproni: As I understand, it creating a tribune was to help give voice & input to regular citizens so that they may have official representation. Not supplanting or overwriting existing entities like senators or what not, .but to create a way to give more people a opportunity for input on issues.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: I just wanted to confirm Tybalt's comments. The new Tribune not only gives ordinary citizens more of a voice, but they can actually be a part of the body.
Janu Shimada Vindelici: At our last meeting, here, it was said “The meeting was very productive but the Romanum Sim owners will meet again next Sunday to hopefully finish our review. Then we will present our proposal to the Senate in a closed door meeting for advice.”
Nothing has gone to Senators yet, but giving this new office legislative powers seems to be resolved. It’s disappointing the Senators seem to be left out of this process.
Asharr Panius: I like the idea I hope that the appointment is done as an RP in the palace with the Emperor presiding to announce the Tribune instead of a notice being sent out done.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: Janu, BEFORE the constitution is presented to the citizens, the Sim owners will present it to the Senate for their advice.
Wesker Naevius: The public don't need a voice as the ones in charge should be in charge and the public should follow orders as they ones in power should know the score.
Ilyas Riina: A question for the Emperor: that new Constitution applies to Caralis, too?
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: Governor, that is not our intention. I view Caralis as an affiliated independent province. Regarding Caralis, I have not thought about it in regards to the Constitution. Governor, why don't you send me a note on your thoughts on that.
Markus Pompeius - Vindelici: I speak about the Mr Romanum contest in the name of all co-ordinators: finally we have 10 participants. i wanna say thank you to all who are in the contest. There are also 4 jury members: Miles, Wolf, Aurelius and Petrus. Please send any kind of bribes to one of them. Also i wanna thank to Jin who already works on the opening choreography and Petrus who will do a wonderful interval act. I already wrote a notecard with the procedure of the contest and sent it to almost all participants yet, a notecard for the jury follows soon. he stage is now ready at the Pompeii theater, so everyone is welcome to see it and Germans can already place a towel to reserve a seat ((sorry, insider joke)) In the name of all the co-ordinators i hope, we will see a fair and gorgeous contest.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: Markus, can we all get a notecard showing what will happen on Nov 19 and 26 and what times?
Markus Pompeius - Vindelici: I will send the draft schedule to the empire group soon and about the times, I think its good to start at 12 SLT
Tiberivs Hadrianvs: What is condition to be member in Jury and why no one Mr Romanum winner is not in jury of this contest?
Markus Pompeius - Vindelici: I asked several people and there were no special condition. I could only ask guys who were online. The vote will be 50/50. 50% audience, 50% jury. We already made that decision weeks ago, there will be a jury and if someone else likes to be in the jury too, i can place a 5th chair in the theater done, he is free to ask the coordinators if he can be in the jury
Janu Shimada Vindelici: Of recent Mr Roms, Markus declined, Ixion can’t attend and Beezhoney has left Rom. I don’t know about Wes
Skip Scipio: all this ideas for the Mr Romanum contest are nice and interesting, but now i'ts just a small time left to plan it. Maybe for next year it's a good idea to make such suggestions earlier to involve them into the plannings
Markus Pompeius - Vindelici: well i am quite surprised that suddenly more guys wanna be in the jury then in the contest but ok.
Desiderium Baiae: the jurors could test the candidates one by one in particular! What do you think?
Markus Pompeius - Vindelici: but ok i can add a 5th juror, anyone who is interested can im me within the next 2 days and i let a raffle ticket decide
Wesker Naevius: I think they should just give the title to Ilyas as he has sexy perk little bottom and would win hands down. Done
Qarbon: Forthcoming events at Temple to Tellus:
Nov 13 (Ides): Epulum Jovis; also ceremonies for Feronia and Fortuna Primigeniae
Nov 14: a second Equorum probatio (cavalry parade),
I propose we combine the Epulum Jovis with the Equorum probatio (cavalry parade) for 16 November and go from the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus to the Temple to Tellus
Nov 15: we do the ceremonies for Feronia and Fortuna Primigeniae. I just need somebody to lead the horses for the Cavalry as Romanum is usually too laggy for me to use. Just asking if anyone can help for the Calvary on Thursday at 11, 11:30 or 12 SL and we cancel the normal event at Olympus.
Janu Shimada Vindelici: On other events: For Saturnalia, we are working on an event or two. We welcome ideas and events. Kaeso and Auriga Nero are working on plans for an exciting chariot race. If anyone has other ideas, the co-ordinators can offer help.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: The chariot tours. After 12 hours of tedious setup we have an automated chariot ride by the Welcome Centre. The big one is the grand tour through the three main Sims. I also have a few short one destination rides. And Wolf has his own automated chariot rides in Pompeii.
Asharr Panius: the Photo comp is with the GA Harvest Fest to promote photography in the community - entries accepted until this Friday and there is 15k of cash prizes up for offer. I have previously sent notices to the empire. If you have any questions, IM me. This is a judged event, and no, I don't get to judge.
Giles: I’d like to thank the emperor for the grand opening of the new Hospitalis and I hope in the coming weeks we can get a plan going with the gladiators and legion and Bacchus for the men to be tested and boys to be tested and receive a health scroll to pass to their commanders or bosses to show that they are clean and fit to serve the good citizens.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: All but 1 of Gaius old Sims have moved. The one left cannot be seen from Romanum and no one can get to it. Rad is getting a new Sim which will be Romanum XI and be the home of the Romanum zoo.
Wolf Confero: During the closed Senate meeting today, I gave out the working copy of the new protocol to the Senators that attended to get their feedback on making it a bit easier to understand. I am looking forward to their feedback and hoping with it we can wrap it up soon.
Booker Beningborough: This discussion is now in the working stage with help of the Senate.
Asharr Panius: I would like to suggest that as part of the IC RP that a Kalandas be done either in January or the Romanum Anniversary - a Kalandas was where there Emperor took the yearly pledge of the senate and the generals and could be done in the palace.
Tiberivs Hadrianvs : I see how in last time, there people just teleport anywhere, we are birds? We are romans? Why this rule is not respected anymore? We just brock smaller RP what we have there. [?] I think is time to recall Romanum RP rules in several note to people realise they live in an ancient world but not in London city?
Wolf Confero (darksir1): There is no rule against teleporting in and out. Yes, I admit that it can be disruptive to RP, but we need to remember that this is a sim for all people, those that like RP and those that RP is not as important to and sometimes, we need to look the other way in the name of kindness and respect. You can always ask your friends to maybe TP in out of sight (like I often TP into the tavern behind the stair wall)
Giles: well as you all know I like RP very much, but rules have to be respected, like flying and poofing away, more polite is walk away then poof or go to another room etc. and lines keep it to a few lines. I hate para RP it is very boring.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: Although I am guilty of doing this myself, there actually is a "rule" or guideline, #*:
Qarbon: Some people, not only me, just cannot navigate in the main Romanum and have to TP to get to places.
Wolf Confero: Emperor, it might be helpful then to either label that "guidelines" or “rules". Guidelines to me, reads more of a suggestion. Rules are rules. Do we start "enforcing" a rule of "no TPing in and out of sight of people"? If not, it is a suggestion/guideline.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: Wolf, I agree. Guidelines and Rules seem to imply something different and we can change the website accordingly. But NO ONE is saying you cannot TP. What is meant is to walk away from people who are roleplaying (a few steps out of sight) and TP. Exiting is easier to do that then arrivals.
Strymon O. Aemilius Parthicus: I fully agree with Tiberius and I have always preferred to walk than to TP, but the created lag at the forum makes this space almost impossible to walk through. Nor to leave an event the normal way. Still I would always support such rule, but only giving us advice how to reduce the lag is not helping because most people, who have less problems with it don't care even for their scripts or complexity. I believe this affects not only particular activities as gladiator fights, but also the RP in the town.
Tiberivs Hadrianvs: I know lag is worse, but at any event there is a notice with LM out of place, this is just suggestion to improve RP not an attack on someone.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: Stry, my heart aches regarding lag and lag will always be a complex subject. Our comprehensive webpage makes all the suggestions we can make. If avatars refuse to try and reduce their scripts or complexity, I cannot force that. And although I have reduced some landscaping and even a building or two, that is the best I can do. But I totally appreciate the frustration.
Markus Pompeius – Vindelici: a good alternative to get to the locations is to go by boat. Good for the body and beautiful sights.
Romanum Theater
Wolf Confero : It is my understanding, from speaking to Jin recently, that he was unable to get enough people to sign up. Hunter unfortunately had the same problem. So until we can find a way to entice people to want to do that, I don’t know that any production, long or short, will be successful.
Gaius Antigos: I would like to propose a long-running play instead of short term productions.
Just an idea, I would like to suggest "Satyricon" by Petronius. It is true Roman, the three main characters are gay. It would represent Romanum perfectly and enrich the roman culture aspect. Romanum could be identified with this play. You wanna see Satyricon on stage? Come to Romanum!
Janu Shimada Vindelici: I can say that Jin, Ras and I are trying to get some short plays done once Mr Rom is out the way.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: Gaius, I appreciate your suggestion. We tried to do an actual historical play some time ago. And not only is it very hard to act. It is VERY HARD for the audience because they would have to attend many "nights" of the play. My husband Regulus is a great ancient Roman period writer and he has agreed to write short plays that can be acted in one hour or so. Jin's problem (like Hunter's) is finding people willing to be actors. The other issue, even with a short play is do we write the dialog in local chat, which means the audience has to read the dialog. Or could we record it in voice? Jin had suggested the later, but decided against it due to accents mostly. But I am confident if we can find actors. We can have plays.
Wolf Confero: I think we would have to have plays done in chat and read, so that people with other languages could read it Emperor. Does anyone know how "close" we came to having enough actors? How many we were actually short?
Janu Shimada Vindelici: About 3-5 I think.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: I do not know how many, if anyone, stepped forward as an actor. The play Regulus wrote only required 3 to 5 actors total, I believe.
PTOLEMY CONFERO: In my strolls upon the Capitoline Hill, as any pious Roman is want do to, I could not help but notice the temples of Ops and Fides are missing their images within. They have no statues.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: As to statues in the Temples, yes, some Temples are missing such statues and I would love to work with a statue maker for such statues if someone could recommend someone.
Gaius Antigos: I would like to suggest that everyone who holds a position in Romanum should always name 1 or 2 proxies. We currently have situations where only one person holds a position and when he is not able to be in-world we have no one to turn to on matters that regard his job.
Wolf Confero: We often cannot even get enough people to fill each role once. A Proxy is specifically someone that handles a potential voting situation or government situation. I believe I know the specific situation you are referring to, and I think maybe this is a discussion for out of the meeting
Next open Senate meeting: Sunday 10 December at 11am SLT.
Ixion Parthicus Ἰξίων Παρθικος
Senate Scribe
(with extra thanks to Proconsul Wolf and Emperor Stephanus for the recordings)