Emperor Stephanus Galtier
Senators: Booker Beningborough, Leone RoB, Aurelius Romanov-Phoenix, C4 Leone Rob Karu, Ras Parthicus, Zarek Antonius, Janu Shimada-Vindelici, Petrus Gnaeus Pompeius, Tybalt Caproni, Strymon O Whitewolf Parthicus, Damon Leone RoB
Citizens: Dax Skytower Varro-Parthicus, Robert Parthicus, Caus Karu, Wyatt, Miles Maximus, Damien Lee Parthicus, Ariel Vindelici, Ruggeris Brittanicus, Eryx Etchegaray-Drake, Sir Helios of Dacia, Popov Huldschinsky, duracuir, suhas, Velkian
Proxy: Eryx Etchegaray-Drake for Syrus Etchegaray-Drake
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: The Consuls and I received the nomination for and approved the appointment of Ras Parthicus and Zarek Antonius as Romanum Senators.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: Rad and Stef have appointed a transition team for their sims and that team can report if they wish. As for Romanum, I will be asking the Senate and Tribunate as well as a few other leaders to help me transition Romanum to a better place including any changes to the constitution.
III. TRIBUNATE MEETING 26APR REPORT by Popov Huldschinksy, Tribunate leader
We, the Tribunes, like to inform the present distinguished gentries of our last meeting with the Plebeians Assembly on Sunday, 26th April 2020. In the course of this meeting certain points were raised of which, some will be presented to this assembly if it could bear it, we will also elaborate further on developments since the aforementioned meeting:
I. As mentioned in our previous report to this house, some people are not happy with encroaching lay out of trees in Romanum II and V and asked the Tribunate to intervene. To be fair to the Landlord and the tenants we decided to conduct a petition to evaluate tenants’ opinion. Results have just been collected and will be informed at the next Plebeians Assembly Meeting with the Tribunate’s advice.
II. Items of concern were elaborated by some citizens concerning the use of the zCS system. It was suggested that a warning may be appropriately placed for users as well as an explaining notice and instruction be supplied. The Tribunate decided to obtain advice from knowledgeable people before making decisions and guiding Plebeians. This meeting has now taken place and a plan of action is underway.
III. Remainder was given to the Plebeians about the then upcoming Floralia celebration as well as a refreshing insight concerning these celebrations.
IV. Finally, Plebeians was asked to ponder about ways to improve their life and enjoyment in Romanum, results of which will be unveiled in the next Plebeians Assembly Meeting. Further talks will be elaborated and decision taken concerning the first two main subjects during the next private Tribunate meeting and thus, the outcome will be presented to the Plebeians.
Another particular concern came to my personal knowledge which, I would like to bring to this respectful audience. Although the Tribunate and myself are aware that a certain discipline must be respected and enforced in Romanum; especially the rules of garments in public places. The manner in which these enforcements are carried out should, at least, be done in a manner as not to offend or abuse the wrongdoer: A week or so ago, a high representative of the present dignitaries, took liberty to reprimand a visitor to these realms in its own private quarters without having, first been invited in the said dwelling. To take such liberty is, in my opinion, a lack of respect for private property and certain rules concerning the same properties. Reprimands should be done and we, the Tribunate, would be the first to do so. But these should be done without infringing or violating private properties and their rights.
Ruggeris Britannicus: I have placed the zcs warning notices mentioned and they are approved by Rector Tybalt.
IV. CITY EVENTS by Senator Janu Shimada Vindelici
- Floralia has now passed. Congratulations to Myklos for the winning garden, and many thanks to all those who entered. Thanks also to the judges, who were impressed by the quality of all the entries. Thanks too to Ariel for his Floralia garden in the Forum, and to Myklos for hosting a party.
- Pride is taking place, 5 to 14 June. I have sent out a notice about the Romanum Pavilion. If anyone else has suggestions on things we might include, or wishes to be involved, please contact the project manager. (Emperor Stephanus Galtier: We will appoint someone soon.)
- Neptunalia is our next big festival, in July (dates to be confirmed). Pontifex Ariel will be leading the celebrations
As always, suggestions for events are encouraged. Assistance is available for anyone wanting to run an event, generally.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: I had sent the Pontifex Maximus a request for a report. Unfortunately is real life is hectic at the moment. But I assure you the religious life of Romanum is paramount to me and I will make sure it is addressed.
Zarek Antonius: if the PM will be away for a while, who is appointed as his designate while away? knowing who is his designate will be helpful to many groups.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: I have made no decision on an acting PM. But perhaps we should have a second in command.
Ariel Vindelici: Even though I am normally only responsible for Neptune, I offer every citizen to give blessings or prayers.
Janu Shimada Vindelici: It's disappointing that we are a month on, with no action. Can we be assured that we will have a full report to next Senate?
ƤЄƬƦƲƧ ƓƝƛЄƲƧ ƤƠMƤЄƖƲƧ: Only a brief remark I have represented the pontiff several times but there has never been an official representation so what we have not had before
Ras Parthicus: Nearly 4000 visitors have been through the Romanum Welcome Centre since its revamp last year. and Prince JinFloreo Karu sends his love and says hi to everyone.
Ruggeris Britannicus : As of now, I am handing over the maintenance of the Romanum Welcome Centre to Senator Ras.
anu Shimada Vindelici: Great work Rugger.
C4 Leone RoB™Karu: yes R thank you for the wonderful work you've done.
Zarek Antonius: I made this point to the senators earlier and want to make it here as well, so it is on the record. I Want to clarify what i believe is misunderstanding about my family and our ancestral island (our sim). The Antonius moved to another sim only because we needed a full sim for our villa and the option to add one onto ROM was not possible (as the directive we had heard was that no more sims would be added). We have maintained land in Pompeii ever since we left the sim next to it and we attend ROM and Pompeii events all the time (Even hosting some during the 10th anniversary). When we acquired our current sim, we did not form our own country or province - we are simply off the coast of Rome on our ancestral island. We have and will maintain that we are part of ROM, not a separate entity (that’s the main point of confusion we seem to be hearing and seeing). Our boat docked in Pompeii has TPs to our island, just as the ones on our island have TPs to ROM/Pompeii.
Janu Shimada Vindelici: Is the Antonius Island subject to the Romanum Covenant?
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: At the moment the Antonius Sim is a totally private Sim that does not use the name Romanum. It is also not physically connected to Romanum. Therefore it is not under any Romanum Covenant. Any discussion for a change would need to occur if any change is warranted or advised.
Booker Beningborough: Thank you and remember if you have questions regarding this land, please confer with Zarek.
Zarek Antonius: and that discussion would need to include the Antonius family.
C4 Leone RoB™Karu: I have to ask Senator Janu a question. Why have you left as Project Manager for SLP? You have done well & are a great at planning.
Booker Beningborough: Perhaps you two can meet after the meeting to discuss.
Next Senate meeting on Sunday 14 June at 11am SLT
Ix Parthicus ἸΞ ΠΑΡΘΙΚΟΣ
Senate Scribe