Plebeian Meeting
Minutes of the First 2020 Plebeian Meeting dated 26/01/2020
— Plebeians:
Deò Rónán Parthicus (everhardt)
Josh (joshr.woodrunner)
Chad Marbach
Ruggeris Britannicus (ripstriprugger)
Wyatt (wyattoy)
— Tribunes
Dax Vayandar Parthicus (dax.vayandar)
Sir HELIOS of Dacia (helioworthington)
Jonny (jonny.zifanwe)
Popov Huldschinsky
— 1: Items, observations & proposals from Citizens.
— 2: Items, observations & proposals from Tribunes.
— 3: Announcements.
— 4: Report from Tribune Lead.
— 5: Discussion: How can Citizens be involved in the coming Romanum 10 years celebration.
— 6: Various Items from the floor.
12:07:40 — Opening of the meeting by Popov Huldschinsky Tribune Lead.
The first Item on the agenda was presented:
— Items, observations & proposals from Citizens.
An observation was brought by Chad Marbach concerning the teleport hud given out from the Welcome Pack. — The Land Marks seem not to be up to date —. Ruggeris Britannicus requested from Chad to have more detail to inform our beloved Emperor as well as one of the Tribunes to investigate. Further to comment by Chad Marbach about the given dress, a mental note was taken by the Tribune Lead to see if LMs for clothing merchant could be included in the Welcome Park. No other point was raised for this first Item.
Then the second item of the agenda was presented:
— Items, observations & proposals from Tribunes.
Tribune Sir HELIOS of Dacia proposed that the Tribunes put forth an event to celebrate the 10th Romanum anniversary, he then suggested a thought about slave auction, of which proceeds could be donated to a charity of the Emperor choosing.
Tribune Duracuir proposed a quiz on Rome’s History, which, as per Sir Helios could be run throughout the month of March.
Although these suggestions were very interesting, Tribune Lead called order to discuss this subject in a private meeting to consolidate plans and then presented them to the Plebeians.
Further on Tribune Duracuir proposed the organisation of horse racing.
Then the third item of the agenda was presented: Announcements.
No Announcements were presented neither by the floor nor the Tribunes
Then the Fourth item of the agenda was presented:
— Report from Tribune Lead.
There follows the full transcript of the report:
Fellow Citizens,
It is with great pleasure that, we the Tribunes are sitting in front of you on this first Plebeian meeting for this 2020 Tribunate.
As Tribunes we are your link between your wishes and the higher authorities and therefore you are more than welcome to participate and bring ideas and suggestions.
Since it is our first meeting, nothing much is to report to you beside that it was on Sunday, 19th January that our beloved Emperor had us met to launch this new Tribunate and elect a Lead. During this meeting other matters concerning timings were seen to.
As you may be aware, this year is Romanum 10th anniversary and special events will be organized for the occasion. Everybody in Romanum are invited to participate either directly in holding and/or organizing an event. During the same period the Olympics games will be held. Definitive dates are still to be confirmed but we are looking to the last two weeks of March. If any of you would like to help one way of another please contact any of us.
Thank you.
Tribune Lead asked if there were any questions or comments.
The first comment came from Tribune Jonny who thanks Popov for taking on the role of Tribune Lead. And thanks for doing all the work associated! And for chairing a splendid first meeting.
No other questions nor comments were presented then
The fifth item of the agenda was presented:
— How can Citizens be involved in the coming Romanum 10th years celebration.
It was commented by Tribune Lead that this subject had already been talked about but, nevertheless Tribune Lead ask if any present citizens had any other suggestions or ideas.
Ruggeris Britannicus asked the Tribunate if they were aware of what Proconsul Booker had already planned. To which the Lead replied that nothing had been transpired to the Tribunes.
Duracuir suggested that a planning of activities should be obtained facilitating new ideas. To that, Jonny replied he had previously attended a meeting on the aforementioned matter and Senate had already discussed this issue. He suggested the Tribunate to coordinate with Senator Janu who is dealing with the calendar.
Deo Rónán Parthicus suggested a wrestling tournament for the Festivities, to which the Lead replied that may be already in planning. This point was reiterated by Ruggeris as being maybe part of the Olympics. Further on to the wrestling, Josh suggested that such tournament could be done for the length of the celebrations. Forth, Ruggeris suggested that these items may be referring to Pankration, which used to be staged weekly at the old Pompeii Arena.
Furthermore, Deo suggested a foot race with hurtles and barricades along the course to jump to get to the end. Lead remarked that such event may also be in planning for the Olympics.
Sir Helios then, took the floor conveying the good to his heart, those many thoughts by everyone present, brought and, mentioned that 10 years is not only a testament to our Emperor’s leadership but to all Citizens past, present and future.
Forthwith, Duracuir suggested that Tribunes should try to speak to Citizens or/and Servus one on one to get their suggestions as well as requesting that someone, for new members (and others), should write a text describing the foundation of Romanum. Lead replied these may be on the Romanum website. On the subject of contact, Sir Helios proposed that an office be manned by the Tribunes to meet Citizens. — suggestion, the Lead was going to put to the Tribunate during the next private meeting —.
Then the sixth item of the agenda was presented:
— Various Items from the floor.
Wyatt asked about the zCS meter and how to implement it into our culture. Lead noted that this subject would be covered during the next Plebeian meeting however, Dax mentioned that he had many questions concerning this system; to which Ruggeris pointed out that any technical questions should be directed to Sen Tybalt. Lead also reminded that instruction to be presented to the Citizen had been requested.
Dax then remarked on a potential lack of communication as a possible problem for the Tribunes since he was not aware of any planning meeting concerning the Anniversary celebration nor has he seen a calendar for the Olympics. To this Jonny pointed that the meeting concerning the Anniversary celebration had been advertised on both Empire and VIP groups. Lead also mentioned he was hoping to have minutes to inform the Tribunes. On the subject Ruggeris proposed that a tribune may be designated to monitor and report plans avoiding duplicating ideas. Lead reiterate that details will be given during the next private meeting.
13:13:25 — As no other items were presented Tribune Lead closed this first Plebeian meeting thanking with profusion every one present, which was reiterated by Tribune Duracuir.
The next Plebeian meeting will be held on Sunday, 23rd February 2020.