Minutes, Plebeian Assembly, 28th April 2019 held at The Rostra.
Present: Tribune Lead Ras Parthicus, Tribunes Popov, Ruggeris Britannicus and Asharr Furius Panius, HELIOS of Dacia, Ludo
[09:06] Ras Parthicus: Lets us begin Tribunes and Citizens of Romanum.
[09:06] Ras Parthicus: First an Opening prayer.
[09:07] Ras Parthicus: We Pray that Mighty God Jupiter and all the other Gods to whom Romanum Citizens pay homage, look upon our Emperor and his husband with fondness and our deliberations with favour.
[09:07] Ras Parthicus: Ita Est
[09:07] Popov: Ita est
[09:07] Ruggeris Britannicus: Ita Est!
[09:07] Sir HELIOS of Dacia: /me nods
[09:08] Popov: Ainsi soit-il (so be it)
[09:08] Ras Parthicus: Next Item - my Report
[09:08] Ras Parthicus: Welcome to the Second Plebeian Assembly meeting for the 2019 Tribunate.
[09:09] Ras Parthicus: I am Ras Parthicus, Tribune Lead and meeting chair. Together with Tribunes Ruggeris Britannicus, Popov and Asharr Furius Panius we will listen, debate and vote on any issues raised in the Assembly.
[09:09] Ras Parthicus: You are welcome to express your thoughts on the issues arising. To do so please say HAND and when recognised by the chair say what you have to say and when finished with your comments say DONE.
[09:09] Ras Parthicus: All issues requiring submission to the Senate are voted on at the Plebeian Assembly. (Any in house Tribunate matters are dealt with in private meetings.)
[09:09] Ras Parthicus: I am still looking for a scribe. If you are interested or know of a suitable candidate please let me know.
[09:10] Ras Parthicus: Following on from the last Plebeian Assembly meeting, today's agenda lists a number of items from the 2018 Tribunate where it was resolved that further action be taken to finalise.
[09:10] Ras Parthicus: I have met with Consul Rad (who, with Consul Stef, is deputising for the Emperor whilst he is away from Romanum) and pursued the issues raised at the last Plebeian meeting. I am most grateful to the Consul for his assistance in wishing to resolve these matters.
[09:10] Ras Parthicus: Because our Tribunes live in provinces scattered throughout the Empire, the Plebeian Assembly will be meeting at different times on the 4th Sunday of each month.
[09:10] Ras Parthicus: We will be attempting to have these meetings so that a good proportion of citizens are able to attend, bearing in mind they have the same time constraints as applies to the Tribunes.
[09:11] Popov: /me looks around
[09:11] Ras Parthicus: A number of items will come up in the other reports and discussion.
[09:11] Ras Parthicus: DONE
[09:12] Ras Parthicus: NEXT ITEM Update on progress of refurbishment of the Welcome Centre, including proposed Competition for new videos of life in Romanum.
[09:13] Ras Parthicus: I Call on Tribune Ruggeris to advise the Assembly on how the refurbishment of the Welcome Centre has fared.
[09:13] Ruggeris Britannicus: Thank you.
[09:14] Ruggeris Britannicus: There remain a few finishing touches for the Welcome Centre, which will be completed in due course. When our great and beloved Emperor returns, Jove willing, he will complete his mounting of the Contact Board'.
[09:14] Ruggeris Britannicus: It is hoped he will also update the rental information in Romanum poster, on a regular basis, which is, while he's away, not operating at complete capacity.
[09:14] Ruggeris Britannicus: We also await his approval of the addition of names and crests to the array of Families, for which, you will notice, spaces have been assigned.
[09:15] Ruggeris Britannicus: In time, when this is complete, each crest will render either a family history or a link to the webpage that shows it, assuming the addition of so many scripts to the area will not adversely affect lag.
[09:15] Ruggeris Britannicus: The Servus information area will be modified and updated to contain the result of the Slave Group activities, hopefully adding useful items, and guidance for potential slaves.
[09:15] Ruggeris Britannicus: Once again I am grateful to Lead Tribune Ras, Tribune Popov, Ed Ballinger and all others who continue to lend their expertise to this matter.
[09:15] Ruggeris Britannicus: You'll notice that videos of Romanum are playing on the screen inside, and we would like to have more of these, showing more recent events. On that subject, Lead Tribune Ras has a competition to announce ...
[09:15] Ruggeris Britannicus: DONE
[09:16] Asharr Furius Panius: hand
[09:16] Ras Parthicus: Gratias Tribune Ruggeris
[09:16] Ras Parthicus: Tribune Asharr
[09:18] Asharr Furius Panius: I've had comments that although the photos Popov has done are up for the roles there are no attached notecards on any of the roles displayed so none can receive information on the roles in the city we need to look at rectifying that as well
[09:18] Asharr Furius Panius: done
[09:19] Asharr Furius Panius: raises voice over crowd
[09:19] Ras Parthicus: Gratias Asharr - a citizen did bring that to our attention - and it is something we need to look at.
[09:19] Ruggeris Britannicus: We shall certainly take a look at that.
[09:19] Ras Parthicus: we need to do some liaison with for example the PM re Temples and Flamen's etc.
[09:20] Ras Parthicus: To my mind the Welcome Centre will be an ongoing Project because although Romanum is ancient, regular changes happen here.
[09:21] Ruggeris Britannicus: nods
[09:21] Popov: indeed
[09:21] Ras Parthicus: The matter of Managing and maintaining the WC will be discussed when the Emperor returns to full duties, but there are things we can follow-up in the meantime.
[09:22] Ras Parthicus: Any further questions on that rather large and time project that Ruggeris saw through to completion.
[09:23] Asharr Furius Panius: hand
[09:23] Ras Parthicus: Tribune Asharr
[09:24] Asharr Furius Panius: I'm going to but right in since this is the Plebeian Meeting and only Helios and Ludo have bothered to attend lets just dispense with the program and find out what they wish to have addressed.
[09:25] Asharr Furius Panius: the meeting is really for them not us
[09:25] Asharr Furius Panius: done
[09:25] Ras Parthicus: Asharr - there are certain things that need to be discussed and I will do it in accordance with the agenda - Even though people may not make it to the meeting they still have the minutes to read.
[09:26] Ras Parthicus: In regards to the proposed Video competition I have made a submission to the Emperor and Consuls, seeking permission to run a Video Competition. The idea is to update those videos we are currently displaying at the Welcome Centre. I am awaiting their approval.
[09:26] Ras Parthicus: More details later when hopefully it is approved.
[09:27] Ras Parthicus: to follow up on the last meeting ...
[09:27] Ras Parthicus: Submission re:Urban Design (removal of trees)
I am awaiting the return of the Emperor to "active" duties in Romanum before pressing this matter any further.
[09:27] Ras Parthicus: Romanum Role Play Group Reports
Zarek Antonius, Chair of the Romanum Role Play Group presented his report at the last Senate meeting. A copy of it forms part of the last Senate Minutes.
[09:28] Ras Parthicus: Free Outfit for Newcomers to Romanum
[09:28] Ras Parthicus: I have acquired and embellished a full perm design referred to us by Tribune Asharr at the last meeting. It covers 6 of the more known mesh bodies. We need to find or design a similar outfit for avatars wearing the Aesthetic body and one for the classic avatar body.
[09:28] Ras Parthicus: Zarek Antonius has offered to assist.
[09:29] Ras Parthicus: Welcome of new visitors to Welcome Centre
At the last Senate Meeting I raised the matter of Citizens welcoming visitors and especially at the Welcome Centre .
[09:30] Ras Parthicus: One way of helping with this is to ensure that our display boards have several contact names in the notecards for people to contact or at least send a message/question. And of course visitors may contact any of the Rulers, Senators, Tribunes and Officials shown on the Romanum Contact Board.
[09:30] Ras Parthicus: I am hoping that Tribunes and Senators will also take the opportunity to greet visitors to the Romanum Welcome Centre.
[09:32] Ras Parthicus: The preceding were the issues discussed at the last meeting - I would say that the issues are being attended to - but an important item is that of Servi and Slaves in Romanum.
[09:32] Popov: still
[09:32] Ras Parthicus: Tribune Ruggeris - would you like to inform the Assembly on how that goes.
[09:33] Ruggeris Britannicus: Yes, very briefly:
[09:33] Ruggeris Britannicus: The Slave Group called by Consul Rad Parthicus had its first meeting this week. Present were both Consuls, Senator Janu, Slaver Mardrakus and myself. Parthicus Servus Ixion and Pontifex Skyrimmer were also invited but were unable to attend on this occasion.
[09:34] Ruggeris Britannicus: The Consul has decreed that the policy will be completed in one month.
[09:34] Ruggeris Britannicus: To this end he has tasked each of us with preparing papers on various areas to bring back to the next meeting for discussion and analysis.
[09:34] Ruggeris Britannicus: I will report back once again when, at the next meeting, in theory, this process should be complete.
[09:34] Ruggeris Britannicus: Done
[09:35] Ras Parthicus: Gratias Tribune Ruggeris
[09:35] Ras Parthicus: getting this matter into a revised formal policy soon will be most looked forward to.
[09:36] Ras Parthicus: are there any questions in regard to that matter or even a comment?
[09:36] Popov: /me shakes his head
[09:36] Sir HELIOS of Dacia: hand
[09:37] Ras Parthicus: Helios
[09:37] Sir HELIOS of Dacia: as still a new resident to Rome I will find the policy good to have since my small family is growing with servus now.
[09:37] Sir HELIOS of Dacia: done
[09:38] Ras Parthicus: Gratias Helios
[09:38] Ruggeris Britannicus: (Forgive me, I must send Ludo off to deal with something)
[09:38] Ras Parthicus: It is something we have been looking at since August last year - so I look forward to the deliberations of the group and the final document that the Consuls and Emperor approve.
[09:39] Ras Parthicus: Vale Ludo
[09:39] Sir HELIOS of Dacia: Vale Ludo
[09:39] Ruggeris Britannicus: (he's left the cabbages boiling again)
[09:39] Ras Parthicus: phew
[09:39] Sir HELIOS of Dacia: lol
[09:40] Sir HELIOS of Dacia: a little Garum will make it right
[09:40] Popov: /me smiles
[09:40] Ruggeris Britannicus: hand
[09:40] Ruggeris Britannicus: (haha we all know where Helios's fortune derives)
[09:40] Sir HELIOS of Dacia: lol
[09:41] Ras Parthicus: Tribunes and Citizens is there anything you wish to raise or see clarification of as we are now in the "General Business" area.
[09:41] Popov: hand
[09:41] Ras Parthicus: (besides burning cabbages)
[09:42] Ras Parthicus: Popov
[09:42] Popov: This is not a criticize but,
[09:43] Popov: shouldn't there be a minimum of attendees to continue these public meetings?
[09:43] Popov: done
[09:44] Ras Parthicus: The only limitation is that there must be 3 Tribunes here to make a quorum.
[09:44] Ras Parthicus: I think its one of the reasons why we put two meetings in to one because of the small number who get here
[09:44] Ras Parthicus: But then that may be the time changes.
[09:44] Popov: fair enough
[09:46] Ruggeris Britannicus: hand
[09:47] Ras Parthicus: and further comments - the meetings of the Tribunes in the Rostra to which Plebeians are invited to be present are both informational and decision making - but for tonight there has been no new matter put to the meeting to vote on.
[09:48] Ras Parthicus: Helios - is there anything you wish to ask at this stage
[09:48] Ruggeris Britannicus: looks at my hand to see if its invisible
[09:49] Popov: /me smiles
[09:49] Popov: (slow pigeons)
[09:49] Ras Parthicus: very might it be so - its buried in there somewhere
[09:49] Ras Parthicus: Tribune Ruggeris
[09:49] Ruggeris Britannicus: I did put it up before also, but no matter
[09:49] Ruggeris Britannicus: It is a difficult thing: some subjects attract a lot of people, others not so. Some may turn up half way through a meeting - and if it were cancelled at the outset would have no chance to speak. Discouraging though it is sometimes, I cant see any alternative.
[09:50] Ruggeris Britannicus: I think its up to us to devise interesting motions and help draw public interest also.
[09:50] Ruggeris Britannicus: Done
[09:50] Ras Parthicus: Gratias
[09:52] Ras Parthicus: Further comment is that it maybe the times and not holding then at the same time, but you are right "interesting" motions seem to bring out many citizens.
[09:52] Ras Parthicus: Done
[09:52] Ruggeris Britannicus: Often with rotten fruit
[09:53] Ras Parthicus: /me we all saw that last year and losing so many Tribunes
[09:53] Ras Parthicus: We might as well finish off with a general discussion
[09:54] Sir HELIOS of Dacia: hand
[09:54] Ras Parthicus: maybe some roleplay set up here for a particular contentious motion might attract
[09:54] Ras Parthicus: Helios
[09:54] Sir HELIOS of Dacia: It is with great honor that I announce the opening of the Temple dedicated to my dear deified friend Antinous. He was a dear friend of mine when we met in Dacia while he was accompanying Emperor Hadrian on his tour of the empire. I was greatly saddened by his loss in Egypt as was the Emperor himself. Emperor Hadrian deified him and asked me to be the leader of the cult of Antinous in Dacia. Since arriving in Rome I saw the need to bring forth a temple in his name. Not to only honor a hero and a friend but to honor the love that Hadrian and Antinous shared for each other.
[09:55] Sir HELIOS of Dacia: done
[09:55] Ras Parthicus: Gratias Helios - is it all "official " at this stage?
[09:56] Asharr Furius Panius: Looks like I'm changing Academy name yet again
[09:56] Ras Parthicus: Question of Asharr - is the Antonius Academy a temple?
[09:57] Sir HELIOS of Dacia: there would be no need to change the name of your academy as Antinous was well educated and would want a academy named after him as well
[09:58] Asharr Furius Panius: the idea was to cover multiple roles
[09:58] Sir HELIOS of Dacia: as to my temple I have the structure in place and will be forming the leading heads of the cult soon.
[09:59] Ras Parthicus: It is the Pontifex Maximus who decides on religious matters in Romanum.
[09:59] Asharr Furius Panius: I sent in to Stefanos 18 days ago to find out about being the Flamen of Antinous but that's fine I already have the group Cult of Antinous
[09:59] Asharr Furius Panius: for (Special RP's)
[10:00] Ras Parthicus: As I understand , there were many cults and temples in our namesake, Rome.
[10:00] Popov: Sorry gents, but I shall have to leave you.
[10:00] Sir HELIOS of Dacia: perhaps you and I should work together on spreading the cult of Antinous then
[10:00] Ruggeris Britannicus: Vale Popov
[10:00] Asharr Furius Panius: Vale Popov
[10:01] Sir HELIOS of Dacia: Vale Popov
[10:01] Ras Parthicus: and I have had a special shrine to Antinous in the Inn Garden for nearly 2 years but no Flamen no nothing else just somewhere to pray if a person wants to.
[10:01] Ras Parthicus: Vale Tribune Popov
[10:01] Ruggeris Britannicus: I don't have anything to Antonius, I feel rather left out
[10:02] Popov: is offline.
[10:02] Ras Parthicus: /me smiles
[10:02] Ruggeris Britannicus: Perhaps Asharr and Helios need to meet and discuss this separately?
[10:02] Asharr Furius Panius: ok guys 3am for me so I'm getting to sleep finally any other discussions can be done at a civilized hour
[10:03] Ruggeris Britannicus: Vale Asharr
[10:03] Asharr Furius Panius: Vale Guys
[10:03] Sir HELIOS of Dacia: Vale Asharr
[10:03] Ras Parthicus: Yes - I would think so - it's not an issue that the Plebeian Assembly has jurisdiction over
[10:03] Ras Parthicus: Vale Tribune Asharr
[10:04] Ras Parthicus: Well I will close the meeting now
[10:04] Ras Parthicus: Safe paths to your homes
[10:04] Sir HELIOS of Dacia: as with you Ras
[10:04] Ruggeris Britannicus: Thank you Ras, and thank you Helios for attending
[10:05] Ras Parthicus: Thank you for your attendance Tribunes and Helios
1. The verbatim minutes have been edited to remove items not related to the meeting and to correct minor spelling disorders.
2. Concerning the matter of a Video Competition, approval has been given for this to go ahead. Information will be circulated soon about requirements and how the competition is to be run.
The next meeting of the Plebeian Assembly will be held on 26th May 2019 in the Rostra. Commencement time 10am.