Verbatim Minutes, Plebeian Assembly, 26 May 2019 held at The Rostra.
Present: Tribune Lead Ras Parthicus, Tribunes Ruggeris Britannicus and Ariel Parthicus-Vindelici, Chang Jin Sung, Erik van Haller , Joby.
[10:06] Ras Parthicus: Well Tribunes and Citizens I will start the meeting with a prayer.
[10:06] Ras Parthicus: We Pray that Mighty God Jupiter and all the other Gods to whom Romanum Citizens pay homage, continue to look upon our Emperor and his husband with fondness and our deliberations with favour.
[10:07] Ras Parthicus: ITA EST
[10:07] Ruggeris Britannicus: Ita est
[10:07] Chang Jin Sung: Ita Est
[10:07] Ras Parthicus: Now for my brief report.
[10:08] Chang Jin Sung: Smiles proudly at his Latin skills
[10:08] Ras Parthicus: Ave Tribunes and Citizens of Rome
Welcome to the Third Plebeian Assembly meeting for the 2019 Tribunate.
I am Ras Parthicus, Tribune Lead and meeting chair and together with Tribunes Ruggeris Britannicus and Ariel Parthicus-Vindelici we will listen, debate and vote on any issues raised in the Assembly. Apologies received from Popov and he has nominated myself as his proxy.
[10:09] Ras Parthicus: There are a number of items to inform and discuss and these will be raised as provided for in the Agenda. You are welcome to express your thoughts on the issues arising. To do so please say HAND and when recognised by the chair say what you have to say and when finished with your comments say DONE.
[10:09] Ras Parthicus: All issues requiring submission to the Senate are voted on at the Plebeian Assembly. (Any in house Tribunate matters are dealt with in private meetings.)
[10:09] Ras Parthicus: We have someone who is interested in assisting the Tribunate as Scribe. Joby will help me in running the meeting. Welcome Joby. (if the work interests Joby and he is prepared to take on the duties for the rest of the Tribunate year, the Tribunes will confirm or otherwise)
[10:10] Ruggeris Britannicus: Welcome Joby
[10:10] Ras Parthicus: Because of the lag and delay in local chat that happens in the Forum area - though with different affects on each avatar - we may need to try alternative meeting venues in the future.
[10:10] Joby: Thank you, Tribune Ruggeris
[10:10] Ras Parthicus Tribune lead xxvi.v.cxlix
[10:11] Ras Parthicus: I don't think there is too much controversial in that report so I will go on to item 3 of the agenda.
[10:12] Ras Parthicus: which involves the Welcome Centre and a number of projects/activities ongoing.
[10:12] Ras Parthicus: first item is the Video Competition.
[10:12] Ras Parthicus: I have made a number of submissions to the Emperor and Consuls, seeking permission to run a Video Competition. The idea is to update those videos we are currently displaying at the Welcome Centre. The latest submission makes provision for copyright including any music used. The Consuls may go with this or suggest an alternative. I await their advice.
[10:13] Ras Parthicus: (you may ask questions or give comments as we go along but please use the HAND and DONE
[10:14] Ras Parthicus: Free Outfit for Newcomers to Romanum
[10:14] Ras Parthicus: I have acquired and embellished a full perm design referred to us by Tribune Asharr at a previous meeting. It covers 6 of the more known mesh bodies. We need to find or design a similar outfit for avatars wearing the Aesthetic body. and one for the classic avatar body. I am wearing a sample of the proposed new outfit.
[10:14] Chang Jin Sung: Hand
[10:14] Ras Parthicus: This is for the 6 common mesh bodies.
[10:15] Ras Parthicus: Chang Jin
[10:15] Erik van Haller: Hand
[10:15] Ras Parthicus: Erik next
[10:15] Chang Jin Sung: I think we should make them walk around nude at first to see if we want to continue having them around.. smiles mischievously. done
[10:16] Ariel Parthicus-Vindelici: hand
[10:16] Ras Parthicus: /me keeps his composure
[10:16] Chang Jin Sung: winks at Ras
[10:16] Ras Parthicus: I take it your done Jin
[10:17] Ras Parthicus: Eric
[10:17] Chang Jin Sung: shakes head YESSS done
[10:17] Ras Parthicus: Sorry - its Erik
[10:17] Erik van Haller: I agree with Chang, a newcomer should not have a large wardrobe
[10:17] Chang Jin Sung: giggles
[10:17] Erik van Haller: a simple flexi kilt is sufficient
[10:18] Erik van Haller: or nude, there are several vendors in the market for them to choose from
[10:18] Erik van Haller: and would signify their commitment
[10:19] Erik van Haller: a "fancy" mesh wardrobe given to all is a nice gesture but should be the bare minimum
[10:19] Erik van Haller: DONE
[10:19] Ruggeris Britannicus: hand
[10:20] Ras Parthicus: before I call on Ariel, just to note that your comments are all ways in the minutes for referral to.
[10:20] Ras Parthicus: Ariel
[10:20] Chang Jin Sung: pouts
[10:21] Ariel Parthicus-Vindelici: I think, the clothes should not have an SPQR logo, like that example has, just white is fine
[10:21] Ariel Parthicus-Vindelici: done
[10:21] Chang Jin Sung: shakes head in agreement
[10:21] Ras Parthicus: and I should have called on Tribune Ariel then.
[10:21] Ras Parthicus: now Tribune Ruggeris.
[10:21] Ruggeris Britannicus: amusing though Jin's comment is, we cant realistically force people to be naked, and whether the simple tunic is too elaborate or not is evidently a matter of personal taste. I think Its fine myself. I wouldn't personally describe it as a large wardrobe. done.
[10:22] Ras Parthicus: Thank you citizens.
[10:23] Chang Jin Sung: /me frowns at his friend and stomps his sandal on the stones
[10:23] Ras Parthicus: Just some back ground - the current Welcome Centre free package includes giveaway clothes with a SPQR logo.
[10:23] Ras Parthicus: We are only trying to update it.
[10:23] Erik van Haller: Hand
[10:23] Ras Parthicus: but in the end the Emperor will decide.
[10:24] Ras Parthicus: Erik
[10:24] Erik van Haller: what is the purpose of the free wardrobe?
[10:24] Chang Jin Sung: hand
[10:24] Erik van Haller: is it for long term RP? is it to give a simple option to be able to modestly enter the land?
[10:25] Erik van Haller: If you give away a quality garment no one will shop.
[10:25] Ras Parthicus: I would say it is to encourage visitors to become members of this great place and make them feel at home.
[10:25] Ruggeris Britannicus: hand
[10:25] Erik van Haller: and respectively, the visitor should be comfortable with nudity IMHO
[10:25] Erik van Haller: DONE
[10:26] Ras Parthicus: what you said then Erik, a modesty garment
[10:26] Ras Parthicus: Jin
[10:26] Erik van Haller: yes, and not to compete with the market vendors
[10:27] Chang Jin Sung: How about give them a basic non mesh at the door and hide the nice mesh ones around the sim so they have to hunt and explore for them. You can also do shoes and an accessory item.
[10:27] Erik van Haller: /me nods
[10:27] Chang Jin Sung: That way gives them a reason to look around. Done
[10:27] Ras Parthicus: Tribune Ruggeris
[10:28] Ruggeris Britannicus: Interesting thought, Jin. On the previous question: I think also people may just want a look round and not be naked, but not at that point be sure if they want to shell out for a more elaborate outfit. Also, in terms of a role, it needs to be fairly neutral, as a citizen or whatever equally other things. done
[10:28] Erik van Haller: or given a mesh wardrobe when included into the groups
[10:28] Chang Jin Sung: hand
[10:28] Ras Parthicus: Tribune Ruggeris still has the floor
[10:29] Ruggeris Britannicus: No I said done
[10:29] Ruggeris Britannicus: Ill do capitals next time
[10:29] Ras Parthicus: so you did - I need better glasses - these ones made in Rome are almost opaque
[10:29] Ras Parthicus: Jin
[10:29] Joby: chuckles
[10:30] Chang Jin Sung: A welcome center scavenger hunt works well. Gets new people involved. DONE
[10:30] Ras Parthicus: I will close the debate on that issue - some good food for thought when we meet the emperor
[10:31] Ras Parthicus: he may say stay with the current one - I would not wear that in a fit but others might.
[10:31] Ras Parthicus: anyhow thank you Citizens.
[10:31] Chang Jin Sung: laughs
[10:32] Ras Parthicus: next item is the Display boards at the Welcome Centre
[10:32] Ras Parthicus: A request has been made for all display boards at the WC that depict a station in life in Romanum e.g. Slave, Tribune, Citizen etc - contain a note card giving a brief description.
[10:33] Ras Parthicus: We are determining who would be best to provide brief written information sheets for the different role portraits. Each will include a contact name.
[10:33] Ras Parthicus: e.g. I have done one for the Tribunes - we will ask Ixion about the Magister position. etc.
[10:34] Ras Parthicus: so that visitors can at least know what all the officials and the different stations in Romanum are and what they do.
[10:35] Ras Parthicus: if there are no comments I will move onto the next item
[10:35] Chang Jin Sung: mumbles under his breath....
[10:35] Ras Parthicus: which is Welcoming new visitors to Romanum.
[10:36] Ras Parthicus: rather than me carry on - do attendees here have their own ideas how we should do it - the personal touch I am talking about.
[10:37] Ruggeris Britannicus: hand
[10:37] Ras Parthicus: Tribune Ruggeris
[10:37] Erik van Haller: heehee personal touching
[10:37] Ras Parthicus: (I used wrong words there, I think)
[10:38] Ruggeris Britannicus: I always try to greet people I don't recognise and engage them in a chat for a while and see if they have anything I can help them with, I should have thought most people would do the same
[10:38] Ruggeris Britannicus: I also try and request they don't wear modern clothing, if they are, but one problem is- there is no real way of actually enforcing that if they don't comply.
[10:38] Ruggeris Britannicus: done
[10:39] Ras Parthicus: Gratias Tribune
[10:39] Joby: hand
[10:39] Ras Parthicus: Joby
[10:40] Joby: as a relative newcomer to Romanum, I have thoughts on all of the issues being discussed, but they are not organized in any manner.
[10:40] Joby: I would ramble
[10:40] Ruggeris Britannicus: better ramble that keep silent
[10:40] Chang Jin Sung: oh go ahead I'm the Prince of rambling
[10:40] Joby: but I think I could provide a newcomer's perspective in a less formal setting if that is appropriate.
[10:41] Ras Parthicus: Yes
[10:41] Joby: DONE
[10:41] Chang Jin Sung: hand
[10:41] Ras Parthicus: Jin
[10:41] Chang Jin Sung: Im not sure what you are saying Joby.
[10:42] Chang Jin Sung: oh
[10:42] Chang Jin Sung: I got it laughs..
[10:42] Joby: smiles
[10:42] Erik van Haller: hand
[10:43] Ras Parthicus: you're finished Jin?
[10:43] Ras Parthicus: some delay
[10:43] Joby: hand
[10:43] Chang Jin Sung: oh yes.. the pink hair is effecting my mind. Should not wash your hair in berry juice. DONE
[10:43] Ras Parthicus: well, I will go to Erik now.
[10:44] Erik van Haller: would this chatting at the welcome center be in person or via a pager system/im?? Is this to staff the center 24/7?
[10:45] Ras Parthicus: As much as we would love to staff the centre 24/7 it is not practical, but we have - and will have contacts on each of the notecards being put in the display pics.
[10:45] Ruggeris Britannicus: hand
[10:45] Ras Parthicus: Joby was next
[10:46] Joby: Erik hasn't said done, so I'm waiting
[10:46] Ras Parthicus: then Tribune Ruggeris
[10:46] Ras Parthicus: I took it as a question and then answered it but if Erik has more to say.
[10:47] Erik van Haller: done
[10:47] Ras Parthicus: Gratias Erik
[10:47] Erik van Haller: (lag!!)
[10:47] Ras Parthicus: Joby
[10:47] Joby: thank you - I tend to be Mr. Interrupty
[10:48] Chang Jin Sung: /me fans himself in the hot sun.
[10:48] Joby: all of my nebulous thoughts on the subjects being discussed fall under the heading of not knowing where to go to learn about Rom - the Welcome Center is great as a start, but I didn't know how to find it.
[10:49] Joby: the free clothes were great, but I knew I didn't look all that good and didn't know where to go to look for better.
[10:49] Joby: that wouldn't cost a fortune until I knew I was sticking around (which I am).
[10:50] Chang Jin Sung: claps
[10:50] Joby: the various roles in Rom still confuse me, but that is largely a failing of mine by not studying the board.
[10:50] Ruggeris Britannicus: Was it the old WC you visited Joby?
[10:51] Joby: knowing what a Tribune is vs. a different role would be very helpful to me.
[10:51] Ruggeris Britannicus: All these issues are covered in the new one.
[10:51] Joby: ok - I thought I had visited recently to check the schedule of events, but perhaps I didn't study it well enough.
[10:51] Chang Jin Sung: Bravo to your great job Rugger!
[10:51] Ruggeris Britannicus: we seem to have fallen out of hand order, apologies
[10:52] Ras Parthicus: please don't sit on them.
[10:52] Joby: and knowing where to go just to meet people was difficult for me at first.
[10:52] Joby: people were very friendly but dances are not for everyone.
[10:52] Joby: the Meet and Greet was excellent at the Tavern.
[10:52] Chang Jin Sung: nods in agreement
[10:53] Joby: rambled enough DONE
[10:53] Chang Jin Sung: hand
[10:53] Ras Parthicus: Gratias Joby - it was refreshing to hear the view of a new person to Romanum - I think we could have you visit the new WC with us and give your perspective on it.
[10:54] Ras Parthicus: Jin
[10:54] Ruggeris Britannicus: hand
[10:54] Ras Parthicus: Jin, then Tribune Ruggeris
[10:55] Joby: hand
[10:55] Chang Jin Sung: What you said is totally true Joby. I wandered around lost till I met Rad. You have to meet the right people. Maybe a meet and greet of the prominent citizens to mentor would be nice.
[10:56] Ras Parthicus: done?
[10:56] Ras Parthicus: (and a good idea)
[10:56] Joby: glares at the lag monster
[10:57] Chang Jin Sung: People with connections can introduce you to groups etc tell you what to how to go about it.
[10:57] Chang Jin Sung: DONE
[10:57] Ras Parthicus: Tribune Ruggeris
[10:57] Ruggeris Britannicus: I think even the best welcome centre in the world is really no substitute for talking to a person and asking them things- which is why its so important to greet and chat with new people wherever you see them, its also nice to meet new people. I Often friend people too until they're settled in so they can call me up easily if they want to know something. DONE in big letters
[10:58] Ras Parthicus: /me smiles
[10:58] Erik van Haller: hand
[10:58] Ras Parthicus: Joby
[10:58] Ras Parthicus: then Erik
[10:58] Chang Jin Sung: laughs and smacks Rugger with my fan. You're too funny.
[10:59] Joby: I would be happy to visit the Center and offer my perspective as a relative newbie if that would be helpful.
[11:00] Joby: also, I will say that I understand the RP aspect of Romanum, but...
[11:00] Joby: I was taken aback by a reaction I got when I first arrived from someone who objected to me greeting him by name when we hadn't been introduced
[11:01] Joby: I understand why he did it, but it left a sour taste in my mouth
[11:01] Chang Jin Sung: coughs
[11:01] Joby: I was already feeling insecure about how to behave properly, wanting to respect the culture
[11:01] Joby: DONE
[11:02] Ras Parthicus: Gratias Joby - indeed an unfortunate happening
[11:02] Ras Parthicus: Erik
[11:02] Chang Jin Sung: hand
[11:02] Erik van Haller: would a titler for newcomers saying PLEASE HELP ME/TALK TO ME or JUST LOOKING be helpful?
[11:02] Ruggeris Britannicus: nods
[11:03] Erik van Haller: DONE
[11:03] Ruggeris Britannicus: isn't there a romanum observer tag in the welcome pack?
[11:03] Ras Parthicus: There is an OOC titler - but will look further at that
[11:03] Ras Parthicus: Jin
[11:03] Joby: hand
[11:04] Joby: chuckles
[11:04] Chang Jin Sung: I do not think we should be reprimanding people for wearing the wrong clothes etc. We need people to stay not leave. So be kind helpful and understanding. DONE
[11:04] Ras Parthicus: Joby
[11:05] Joby: for reference, I have added the Observe titler I got when I first arrived.
[11:05] Joby: whether it says what needs to be said, I cannot say
[11:05] Joby: DONE
[11:06] Ras Parthicus: Gratias citizens - a number of issues raised there. We as Tribunes will undertake to follow them up.
[11:07] Ras Parthicus: Next item - Tribune Ruggeris - can you give a summary of action in regards to the Servi/Slave Issue.
[11:07] Ras Parthicus: /me (tis thankful for the breeze wafting up his kilt)
[11:08] Ruggeris Britannicus: Im afraid we still await a further meeting in which, I hope the slave policy will FINALLY be published. As always the problem is finding times when all parties can be present. I will report back when that meeting has happened, I am attempting to call it as soon as possible. DONE
[11:08] Chang Jin Sung: leans down to the ground.. damn west wind
[11:08] Ras Parthicus: Gratias Tribune
[11:09] Ras Parthicus: Hopefully next meeting there will be an outcome.
[11:09] Ras Parthicus: PRIDE
Romanum is invited to participate in this year's Second Pride Festival, 14th – 23rd June. Senator Janu has been asked by the Emperor to coordinate Romanum's involvement in PRIDE 2019. Last news was that Romanum would be looking at having a store front to inform the Pride Community about what it has to offer avatars. And possibly some entertainment slots, with even maybe a Circus showing. Any assistance you can give Senator Janu will be appreciated.
[11:10] Ras Parthicus: Announcements -Tribune Rugger - do you have anything you would like to say about Neptunalia at this stage? (Will be held in July)
[11:11] Ras Parthicus: I am sorry Tribune Ariel that should be
[11:11] Ruggeris Britannicus: I don't know anything about Neptunalia, I suggest we ask Tribune Ariel
[11:11] Ruggeris Britannicus: lol
[11:11] Ras Parthicus: lol
[11:12] Joby: haha
[11:12] Ras Parthicus: you can see what the lag in chat does
[11:12] Chang Jin Sung: hand
[11:12] Ras Parthicus: Tribune Ariel?
[11:13] Ras Parthicus: whilst we are waiting
[11:13] Ras Parthicus: Jin
[11:13] Chang Jin Sung: I do know that us the Homines De Ars are performing a play at the Neptunalia festival. DONE
[11:14] Ras Parthicus: Gratias Jin
[11:14] Joby: hand
[11:14] Chang Jin Sung: Throws his shoe at Tribune Ariel Wakie Wakie
[11:14] Ras Parthicus: (at least I was able to tell that Jin was typing something then - his arms and hands were all over the place)
[11:15] Chang Jin Sung: laughs
[11:15] Joby: lol
[11:15] Ras Parthicus: and Homines de Ars Group will be running a Convivium (dance and games) at the Palace on 4th June at 2pm. The Group is always looking for Citizens to help them provide Arts Activities in Romanum.
[11:15] Ras Parthicus: DONE on my part
[11:15] Chang Jin Sung: Not sure why I am being a chicken at the moment
[11:16] Chang Jin Sung: smiles
[11:16] Ras Parthicus: and in case some citizens did not know - I will repeat a message/s we have received via the Empire Group concerning Joe Lycomedes.
It is with a heavy heart I inform you that Joe has left this world. Joe was an original Antonius family brother, and a mainstay in the SL gay community as a well known host. His humor, and good nature will be greatly missed. A memorial will be planned in world. Info to follow when advised. (Ptolemy1)
[11:16] Chang Jin Sung: bows head
[11:16] Ruggeris Britannicus: hand
[11:16] Ras Parthicus: If you didnt know, a Memorial for Joe Lycomedes has been set up at GFW. Here is the LM. He will be deeply missed by all. Gay Fun World (161,122,32) (Maxx - SL son)
[11:16] Ras Parthicus:
[11:17] Ras Parthicus: Vale Joe, RIP
[11:17] Ras Parthicus: Tribune Ruggeris
[11:17] Ruggeris Britannicus: I was going to say what you just said. DONE
[11:18] Ras Parthicus: gratias Tribune
[11:18] Ras Parthicus: Joby
[11:20] Joby: back to the prior issue and as point of information as a newcomer, are the outlying events noted in the Center? my memory is that events happening in the next week+ are shown, but various events such as Pride and Festivals would be useful to know. (if they aren't already posted)
[11:20] Joby: DONE
[11:20] Chang Jin Sung: oh the calendar, rolls eyes.
[11:20] Ras Parthicus: good question Joby - They have appeared in various publications including senate minutes and the two Empire groups.
[11:21] Joby: hand
[11:21] Ras Parthicus: but what I will do is update my comments here and add the times and dates - so everyone will read them in the minutes of this meeting.
[11:21] Ras Parthicus: Joby
[11:23] Ariel Parthicus-Vindelici: hand
[11:23] Ras Parthicus: Joby , then Tribune Ariel
[11:23] Joby: I know that I would benefit from knowing a long-range calendar as events are added. I keep seeing announcements pop up (even with a notice of a day or two that sound interesting but I haven't planned. This would be especially useful for newcomers who are not yet in one of the official groups.
[11:23] Joby: DONE
[11:23] Ras Parthicus: Gratias
[11:23] Ras Parthicus:Tribune Ariel
[11:25] Ariel Parthicus-Vindelici: I agree to Joby, possibly an extra posting with all main events, like Olympics every March, Neptunalia July and so on. Also a short description of those festivals.
[11:25] Ariel Parthicus-Vindelici: done
[11:25] Ras Parthicus: I would have to agree a good Idea - especially for the festival ones
[11:25] Ruggeris Britannicus: HAND
[11:26] Ras Parthicus: now, citizens the meeting has gone over an hour.
[11:26] Chang Jin Sung: oh but we just love staring at you lead Tribune...
[11:26] Ras Parthicus: so I propose to go immediately to general business and see if our citizens have anything they wish to raise - that is after Tribune Ruggeris speaks.
[11:27] Ruggeris Britannicus: I think upcoming festivals would be better trailed outside the WC in various places. A series of posters in strategic places if the Consuls and Emperor would approve- shall we ask them? DONE
[11:27] Chang Jin Sung: hear hear
[11:27] Chang Jin Sung: good idea
[11:27] Ras Parthicus: from my own perspective, some very good ideas and comments have come out of this meeting.
[11:27] Ras Parthicus: now general business
[11:27] Chang Jin Sung: and you design them.. pokes Rugger
[11:27] Chang Jin Sung: laughs
[11:28] Chang Jin Sung: hand
[11:28] Ruggeris Britannicus: I don't mind
[11:28] Ras Parthicus: Erik - would you like to raise anything?
[11:28] Chang Jin Sung: HAND
[11:28] Erik van Haller: no, thank you, I have spoken my mind
[11:28] Ras Parthicus: Gratias Erick
[11:28] Ras Parthicus: Jin
[11:29] Chang Jin Sung: I still have an issue with the event calendar.
[11:29] Ras Parthicus: please expand
[11:29] Chang Jin Sung: Its nearly impossible to schedule an event.
[11:30] Chang Jin Sung: all the dances take up every slot for here to more than likely eternity.
[11:30] Erik van Haller: /me notices a dance here during this meeting.
[11:31] Chang Jin Sung: I propose that if an event is coming up that does not happen every week that it should step aside for a once a year thing
[11:31] Chang Jin Sung: DONE
[11:31] Ras Parthicus: Gratias Jin - is there anyone who would like to comment on the Calendar of Events
[11:32] Ruggeris Britannicus: hand
[11:32] Ras Parthicus: Tribune Ruggeris
[11:32] Ruggeris Britannicus: As I understand it - and Ariel may have a better idea, things can only be scheduled as the current guidelines state, what you really want to address is those guidelines, it isn't the fault of the schedulers . Done
[11:33] Ras Parthicus: good point Tribune
[11:33] Chang Jin Sung: hand
[11:33] Ras Parthicus: maybe Jin can consult on the current guidelines and bring back a proposal to the next Plebeian Meeting.
[11:34] Ras Parthicus: Jin
[11:35] Chang Jin Sung: Im not saying its anyone's fault but its not fair. Everyone wants new events and variety. But we have to be able to schedule it at a time that people can attend. or even help. Done
[11:35] Chang Jin Sung: DONE
[11:35] Ras Parthicus: Erik has had to go.
[11:36] Ras Parthicus: The agenda did have mention of a bit of a debate on role play but we have been going for 90 minutes.
[11:36] Chang Jin Sung: laughs
[11:36] Ras Parthicus: if attendees are happy I will leave that subject to next meeting.
[11:37] Ras Parthicus: do I hear any objections?
[11:37] Ruggeris Britannicus: hand
[11:37] Ras Parthicus: Tribune Ruggeris
[11:37] Ruggeris Britannicus: Perhaps if we all consider the subject of how to increase and enhance RP, and bring back thoughts next time? DONE
[11:38] Ras Parthicus: good idea - I would put it in the main agenda - not as part of general business
[11:39] Ras Parthicus: Joby - do you wish to say anything further?
[11:39] Joby: gratias no
[11:40] Ras Parthicus: Then - if there is no further General Business.....
[11:41] Ras Parthicus: waits for the lag barriers to clear
[11:41] Ras Parthicus: Then I close the meeting and thank all Tribunes and Citizens for their attendance.
A question was asked at the meeting of 28 April about who is responsible for religious life in Romanum. Consul Rad sent out a note, not long after that meeting and it is quoted here.
2019/05/26 20:58] D. Rad Parthicus: Group Notice Sent by: Rad Nubalo
Religious Life in Romanum
Please know that all Religious Life is under the leadership of our dear Pontifex Maximus, Stefanos. The PM has authority over our religious leaders and has sole discretion to make appointments to lead positions at temples and sects. If you have questions about this, or if it is unclear, please feel free to contact me.
Notes to the Minutes
1. The verbatim minutes have been edited to remove items not related to the meeting and to correct minor spelling disorders.
2. Following on from this meeting Tribune Ruggeris has installed two external panels at the Welcome Centre to advise of forthcoming festivals / events that Romanum is involved in, and he has also installed additional signage to indicate the Welcome Centre's whereabouts.