Present: Tribune Lead Ras Parthicus, Tribunes Ruggeris Britannicus and Popov; Citizens duracuir, Sir HELIOS of Dacia , Boby of Collinwood; Scribe Joby.
Tribune Lead opened the meeting at 8:06 am and led with an opening prayer. "All Mighty Gods, who watch over the Emperor and his husband Reg and over all the people of Romanum, hear our pleas for your continued blessings on us all and help this Assembly serve the people wisely." Ita Est
Items from Citizens
proposed by Ix Parthicus ἸΞΊΩΝ ΠΑΡΘΙΚΟΣ:
"I want to propose that the Tribunate adopts the motion to have the zCS [RP hud] made generally available to Romanum citizens, and puts it to the Senate for implementation and oversight."
Tribune Ruggeris moved that the proposal be adopted and Tribune Popov seconded the motion.
In support of the proposal, Ix included explanations that the zCS would allow those in Romanum to "express a more specific role visible to others which is not available in general Romanum group membership tags. It has fighting, defence, healing, health capabilities like other formats of RP huds have that are already in use by gladiators and legionnaires at the moment, but zCS has civilian applications too. It would make life in the city a little more unpredictable regards who you meet and what their intentions are." He added that another hud feature is the generation of RP money (not to be confused with linden) that has RP possibilities.
An amendment was proposed by Tribune Ruggeris and agreed to by the seconder Tribune Popov and became the substantive motion "that the Senate or Consulate (whichever appropriate) consider making available the zCS meter to citizens for the enhancement of RP, in particular its use of notional RP money, and if approved, the Meter be adopted optionally for a trial period."
After lengthy discussion of potential benefits and whether the hud should be compulsory, the amended proposal was passed by a vote of 2-1 (Tribune Lead Ras and Tribune Ruggeris AYE, Tribune Popov NAY).
Tribune Lead said that he would forward the original proposal with the amended motion of the Plebeian Assembly and an extract of the meeting's debate for the Senate's information.
Items from Tribunes
No items were raised for discussion.
Tribune Lead Report
"Ave Tribunes and Citizens of Rome.
a) Welcome Centre
i) Video Competition - The Duration of the Competition was extended to 31 August 2019. Prizes are First 10,000 L and Second 5,500 L . No Entries have been received yet.
ii) Free Outfit - discussions still to be held with the Emperor concerning including an additional free toga in the Welcome Centre giveaway kit,
b) Items Outstanding from 2018 Tribunate
i) Submission re:Urban Design (removal of trees) still to be discussed with the Emperor.
c) Items arising from the Plebeian Assembly Meeting 28 July 2019.
Discussions have been held with Senator Tybalt about ways of involving citizens attending the Chariot Races. Some suggestions need testing as to how they can be incorporated into/with the races and assistance from citizens would be required. The suggestion concerning horse races would also need persons to assist.
Visits to a number of private and public places are to be arranged as and when these can be organised with citizens willing to open their homes.
Visitors to the Romanum Welcome Centre as of
11 August 2019: 683
25 August 2019: 852 "
Per Tribune Lead, the Romanum presence at Pride was still attracting visitors as of a week ago. With additional events presumably planned for the Pride space, Romanum has an opportunity to decide how to use that space over the next several months.
Discussion Topic
Due to the meeting length, this topic was postponed until the next meeting.
General Business
There was no general business arising.
Tribune Lead thanked Tribunes and Citizens for their attendance and input.
Tribune Lead Ras Parthicus closed the meeting at 9:49.
Please Note: The Scribe has prepared a Verbatim copy of the Meeting Proceedings. It is available from the Tribunate Notice dispenser (near the front door to the Tribunate Room.