Minutes, Plebeian Assembly Meeting, 27 October 2019 held at Pompeii Public Administration Building
Present: Tribune Lead Ras Parthicus, Tribunes Ruggeris Britannicus and Popov; Citizen Sir HELIOS of Dacha; Scribe Joby
Tribune Lead opened the meeting at 8:10 am. Flamen Helios led with an opening prayer. "Oh glorious Antinous, the beloved of the Emperor, watch over us in this meeting and send us the strength to stay strong and young, and watch over our beloved Emperor and his husband and empire. This the day of your deification, I am honored to serve my friend in life and my most sacred duty to pay homage to him as a god and hero. Praise Antinous and all Roman gods." Ita Est
Items from Citizens
Tribune Lead reported that the proposal concerning a test trial of the zCS Meter was referred to the last Senate Meeting and that it has now been referred to the Emperor and Consuls.
Reference was made to Senator Tybalt’s knowledge of the zCS meter and his statement at the last Senate Meeting (and included in the minutes) that the system was functional and synchronised in Romanum regions. Lead Tribune said he would continue to discuss the matter with the Senator, but implementation was subject to the Romanum Leaders decision .
No further items from Citizens were brought forth.
Items from Tribunes
Tribune Popov asked about the status of plans for Mr Romanum. Lead Tribune advised that he had no further information, that the event’s timing might now be facing schedule conflicts with Saturnalia, and that he would follow up with Prince Jin and the coordinators.
Tribune Lead Report
Ave Tribunes and Citizens of Rome. Welcome to the Eighth Plebeian Assembly meeting for the 2019 Tribunate.
a) Items from the Plebeian Assembly Meeting 29 September
The proposal concerning a test trial of the zCS Meter was referred to the last Senate Meeting. Advice from that meeting was that the proposal had been referred to the Emperor and Consuls. (as noted above in Items from Citizens)
b) Items from the Plebeian Assembly Meeting 28 July
Discussions have been held with Senator Tybalt about ways of involving citizens attending the Chariot Races. Boards displaying drivers in each race and the race winner are now in use. A wagering system that would use zCS coins has been developed. Incorporation of such a system into the race format has yet to be determined. Assistance from citizens would be required. This item is also connected to the proposed trial of the zCS meter within Romanum.
c) Items in Abeyance
The suggestion concerning horse races will be furthered once the Chariot participation enhancements have been actioned.
d) Visits to a number of private and public places are to be arranged. Volunteers would be appreciated.
a) From the Emperor: "The election for next year's Tribunate is coming up. We need a minimum of five candidates. Current Tribunes can run again. New candidates can also run. This is an important role in Romanum's leadership elected by the people.
The time to campaign will be November 10-23. Voting will be November 24-December 7. If a tie-breaking election is needed, that will be December 8-21.
Stay tuned for more details. But think about running."
b) The Emperor’s Ball – originally planned for 19th October 2019 – has been postponed until a later date.
c) Symposiums, organized by Prince Jin, are held on Mondays at varying places within the Empire.
Membership of the Two Romanum Groups
09 Jul 19 28 Sep 19 27 Oct 19 Net change Sep to Oct
Empire of Romanum 662 661 661 (3 joined, 3 left)
Romanum VIPs 1257 1273 1270 (12 joined, 15 left)
Visitors to the Romanum Welcome Centre since June 2019 as of 27 October:
Ras Parthicus
Tribune Lead
Discussion during the report raised the question of how to use the zCS coins for betting without running foul of SL rules. Consensus was that there should not be a problem as long as the coins cannot be converted to lindens. Lead Tribune said that he would follow up with Consul Rad to make sure plans adhere to SL rules. Lead also noted that implementing the system would require changes to how the chariots races are run.
General Business
Joby announced that he cannot serve officially as Scribe beyond the current Tribunate’s last meeting in December. He said that he would continue for one extra month if requested, if doing so would ease transition to a new Tribunate in January.
Discussion followed on the topic of engaging more Citizens in the day-to-day life of Romanum. Suggestions ranged from promotion of more impromptu meetings to soliciting input from every single Citizen on how to carry Romanum past its first ten years. Several ideas were put forth to stimulate participation, from a “graffiti board” that would ensure anonymity to a small neutral group to receive and organize the suggestions.
Tribune Lead thanked Tribunes and Citizens for their attendance and input.
Tribune Lead Ras Parthicus closed the meeting at 9:14.
Please Note: The Scribe has prepared a Verbatim copy of the Meeting Proceedings. It is available from the Tribunate Notice dispenser