Minutiae of the Open Senate Meeting 12-09-18
Emperor Stephanus Galtier
Senators: Booker Beningborough, Aurelius Phoenix, Cato Leone, Tybalt Caproni, Eryx Etchegaray-Drake, D. Rad Parthicus, Janu Shimada-Vindelici, ƤЄƬƦƲƧ ƓƝƛЄƲƧ ƤƠMƤЄƖƲƧ, Gaius Antigos, Miles Maximus
Strymon O Aemilius Parthicus is appointed Romanum Senator.
Redesign of the Zoo as a wildlife parkland
candyboy Allen: i want to thank anybody in Rome who are making a new zoo for us the people of Rome and hope we can get a lot of help thanks
Emperor Stephanus Galtier : As I recently posted, work has begun on what we are now calling the "Candyboy's Animal Reserve". It will be more open then the previous zoo, more wild with some cultivated areas. My goal is to have it ready for the public by next month. Cato will continue to help manage it, particularly the animals. I also want to thank the two investors in the "zoo" and Senator Stef for providing the land. When we open next month, I will be seeking additional investors.
- Election process, new timetable, oversight
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: The Consuls met again Nov 26 and we agreed that their will now be 5 Tribunes. We agreed the next election will be in January. We agreed each citizen can cast 3 votes. But each of their 3 votes must be for a different candidate. We will probably have to have manual counting of votes by an election committee. The Consuls also changed their mind and agreed any vacancies in the Tribunate will be filled by a special election. But the special election would take of half the time of a normal election. The Consuls came up with a compromise on proxies in the Tribunate. Proxies will continue to be an OPTION as it is now. However for the times when the Tribunate votes on an issue, only elected Tribunes can vote and at least 3 elected Tribunes must be present. Also a minimum of 3 elected Tribunes is required to pass a vote. The Consuls have also made a few changes on other items in the constitution. I have agreed to surrender my veto power over the Consuls. We are also expanding the number of proconsuls to 4, two chosen by me, 1 by Rad and 1 by Stef, each a Consul.
Asharr Furius Panius: as my brother Joe would say "Who do i need to fuck to get in the running for Tribune ?"
Booker Beningborough: Anyone may run as a Citizen, you are able and willing to serve
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: Only being a male citizen and winning the election. I wanted to clear up one possible misunderstanding. Even though I said I was giving up my veto power, that does NOT include the fact I own the name Romanum and the brand Romanum. The idea is for the Consuls as co-owners of Romanum Sims to work toward consensus together on particular issues in Romanum and also to give each Consul a little more freedom in their Romanum domains.
- Proposal to widen the Romanum streets and roads allowing chariots.
Booker Beningborough: The item concerning roads was discussed by the Senators earlier and they have some suggestions to send to the Emperor and Consuls for their consideration. It would be premature to handle it in this open meeting. So it shall be tabled.
Janu Shimada Vindelici: Saturnalia is 13-18 December, we can report that the proposed timetable for the Saturnalia festivities is as follows:
13th 12.30 Opening ceremony Temple of Saturn followed by Banquet - Pompeii Forum
14th 1pm Reading A Saturnalia ghost story - Pompeii theatre
15th 2pm Orgy at Pan's Island
16th 1.30pm Opening of the new Legion Fort
17th 12 midday Closing Mer-party Neptune's Palace
Other regular events may be linked. Watch for notices. If you want to run any additional events, please let me know, so they can be added to the calendar
Also - In October, I advised that we would submit a job description for approval. That has been done. Once it is approved, we will circulate it.
Tybalt Caproni: chariot races & gladiators tournaments traditionally held at all major festivals. Planned for saturnalia at regular times
Asharr Furius Panius: On behalf of the Cult of Pan and the Familia Furius I will sponsor a Hottest Satyr or Faun party judged event and i will pick the judge, prize to be starting at 2
Cato Leone: Saturnalia is a religious event. Why have the religious leaders not been asked for input for planning the event?
Janu Shimada Vindelici: Pontifices Markus and Ptolemy were leading the discussion. Ptolemy advised he was acting for the Pontifex Maximus. If other Pontifices want to add anything, we can add them to the schedule
Cato Leone: Then perhaps contacting the PM before scheduling an event such as this in the beginning would be best.
Janu Shimada Vindelici: Can I add that Flamen Kaeso of Mars is also involved, dedicating the fort. The PM was away.
Booker Beningborough: All are working for the same thing, bringing people here and providing a good experience for all.
Janu Shimada Vindelici: I was travelling in November, with limited access to Romanum correspondence. I believe there were no entrants for Mr Romanum, and therefore there was no contest.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: I understand there were no entrants for Mr. Romanum and perhaps it has worn out its interest as an event and a role. But I would personally like to revive interest in January and I will work with our event coordinators. If no one is still interested, then we will drop the idea.
Elavor: It is my understanding that Janu are Markus are even calendar coordinators. They are not event generators. Priests and such should know of their festivals and submit accordingly
ƤЄƬƦƲƧ ƓƝƛЄƲƧ ƤƠMƤЄƖƲƧ: I have to consider that we already have the election of the Tribune in January,
Asharr Furius Panius: maybe the issue with contestants is the hoops they have to jump through when entering the contest and what is expected of them afterwards.
Booker Beningborough: Perhaps you could help with the organizing and rules.
Asharr Furius Panius: would be happy to review any current information.
Next open Senate meeting on Sunday 13 January at 11am SLT.
Post-meeting addendum: Senator Cato Leone tendered his resignation as Romanum Senator effective immediately.
Ixion Parthicus Ἰξίων Παρθικος
Senate Scribe