Senate meeting 9AUG2020
Senators: Booker Galtier Beningborough, Aurelius Romanov-Phoenix, Petrus Gnaueus Pompeius, Damon Galtier Leone RoB, Ras Parthicus, Tybalt Galtier-Caproni, Cuore Delleone
Citizens: Dax Skytower Varro-Parthicus, Alexi Romanov-Phoenix, Lucius K, Jin Mei Ren Galtier, Wyatt, Ariel Giordano-Vindelici, Janu Shimada Octavius, Paolo Parthicus, Asharr Galtier, Brad Gunner, Jonny Galtier-Caproni, Rico Aurelio Giordano-Vindelici, Miles Galtier Maximus, Popov Huldschinsky, Leo Galtier Qarbon Leone RoB, Mark Galtier Tempest, Jacob Octavius Drakon-Pompeius, Ptolemy Galtier Polemistis
Apologias: Imperator Stephanus Galtier
- There was a resignation of Senator Janu Shimida Octavius.
ƤЄƬƦƲƧ ƓƝƛЄƲƧ ƤƠMƤЄƖƲƧ: it as a pity that he leaves us
皇太子 Jin Měi Rén Galtier : Nods in agreement
Ras Parthicus: after such a long and distinguished office
- Note from the emperor: I wish also to add another item that the Senate dealt with. It concerned an agreement between Romanum and Pompeii. In consultation with Pompeii Augustus Sovereign Stef, he and I reconfirmed Pompeii citizens can send notices on the Empire of Romanum and Romanum VIPs groups and Romanum citizens can send notices on Pompeii's Civitas and Events groups. Likewise, for now, there will be one shared calendar renamed "Empire of Romanum and Pompeii" calendar. The Romanum Senate will discuss this in the private August 9th senate meeting to confirm this agreement or not. Senate Lead Booker can answer the outcome of the private meeting on this issue. The Senate voted this morning to confirm the agreement.
- Asharr Galtier: Is the ability to send notices in both cities only for events held within the cities unless previously discussed and agreed by the group owners? And that senders respect the event calendar.
Booker Galtier Beningborough: The Event Calendar is to make sure that events do not conflict. As to the first part of your question, the Emperor will need to be consulted to that question.
Janu Shimada Octavius: That rule applies for notices in Pompeii groups.
Booker Galtier Beningborough: So there are different rules in Pompeii concerning notices.
Janu Shimada Octavius: I'm not clear what the rules are for Romanum. I thought it was going to be discussed at today's private Senate meeting.
Booker Galtier Beningborough: What we discussed was the reciprocity of Citizens in each community the ability to send notices in each respective groups. As to special rules, I was not privy to that information. Ashaar, my suggestion is to send a scroll to the Emperor for clarification.
Tybalt Galtier-Caproni: Off-sim event postings (now re defined as Not in Pompeii Or Romanum) fall under the same Rules as posted at it states "Use of Romanum group notices are governed by above rules, regardless of whether your event is on the calendar or not." Traditionally of-sim events which were of interest to the entire citizenry such as Pride Winterfest or tandem sim events or RFL relays were given permission on a case by case basis by Emperor & Sim owners like Rad in the past. But without said permission off sim (not Pompeii or Romanum postings are NOT allowed). With permission they must follow our no conflict rules that are IN PLACE. Clarification of that on the web page seems like it is needed because of the recent discussions & questions.
CuoreDelLeone: In reference to Events: I wish to propose the idea of more cross promoting with-in the Clubs of Romanum. Every little bit helps us ALL.
Janu Shimada Octavius: I know on occasions I referred notices to Consul Ausus or the Imperator. They didn't seem worried.
- Vacancy on the Tribunate
Booker Galtier Beningborough: Jacob Octavius Drakon-Pompeius has been appointed to fill Dax Skytower Varro-Parthicus' seat until December 31. No one else volunteered for this position. Dax resigned.
Jacob Octavius Drakon-Pompeius: I'm glad that i will be able to serve people.
II. TRIBUNE MEETING REPORT by Tribune leader Popov Huldschinsky
We, the Tribunes, like to inform the present distinguished gentries of our last meeting with the Plebeian Assembly on Sunday, 26th July 2020.
In the course of this meeting certain points were planned for discussion and approval but, unfortunately only one was discussed which, will be presented to this assembly if it could bear it; however, to understand the issue raised, I will first remind the eminent assembly the source of the matter: Consequently to concerns reported on the previous Plebeians Assembly meeting, via a fellow Tribune, from Citizens worried about the ways some outside events were advertised on Romanum Groups and thus encroaching on ‘home’ events. It was requested from the present Tribunate by Plebeians to agree to proposals discussed during the said meeting. Further to this aforementioned meeting, higher authorities contacted the Tribunate with ‘food for thoughts’ and interests on views concerning this matter from this Tribunate.
In his report during the last Plebeian Assembly Meeting on Sunday, 26th July 2020, Tribune Lead announced that following long discussions from the Tribunate on the points previously requested by Plebeians and thoughts from the higher authorities, that a proposal concerning message postings on Romanum groups would be presented to his Gracious Highness, Emperor Galtier before being presented to the Plebeians as to respect the righteousness and logical order of events. Unfortunately, that decision had not been welcomed by the present audience and sorry actions were taken by some. After a long argumentation, as well as a reminder on roles of the Tribunate. Despite full unanimously vote for the motion by the Tribunes and since Lead no longer had support from the majority of his fellow Tribunes, it was decided, by a majority public vote, that the proposal would be presented, after further talks, to the Plebeians and then to the Emperor. Unfortunately, this event, combined to new nominations for some of the Tribunes, brought in a mass resignation that should - if his Gracious Highness had not intervened and took some of his precious time to talk to the various people - have left one lonely Tribune to the present Tribunate. As it is, only one resignation was accepted. Therefore, the present Tribunate is very sorry to see Dax Vayandar Parthicus leaving but, however wishes him all the best in his new position. Also, the Present Tribunate would like to welcome Tribune Jacob Octavius Drakon-Pompeius who has so graciously accepted to join the Tribunes’ group. This conclude any matters raised at this aforementioned Plebeians Assembly Meeting and, the next Plebeian Assembly Meeting will be held on Sunday, 23rd August 2020.
皇太子 Jin Měi Rén Galtier: So almost all the Tribunes almost resigned over what should or should not be posted in group events?
Popov Huldschinsky: That is quite right, though some wanted to leave due to different nominations.
III. CITY EVENTS REPORT by Janu Shimada Octavius
- Neptunalia Festival has now finished. Many thanks to Pontifex Ariel for arranging events, including a bull sacrifice, a water based triathlon, and a sail. Thanks also to Myklos for an inaugural swim.
- Flamens Ptolemy of Romanum and Ben of Pompeii are working on events for Vulcanalia, toward the end of August.
- Ariel Giordano-Vindelici: I want to announce that there will be a new party starting next Wednesday. Always from 2pm SLT at the new Romanum City Beach on Romanum IV. Furthermore, I apologize to Cato that there were communication difficulties because of the Gladiator Party.
- 皇太子 Jin Měi Rén Galtier: I am hosting two banquets this month. one in Pompeii one here. Anyone want to lend me their servi to serve food and wine I would be in debt to you forever.
- Janu Shimada Octavius: I have visited Myklos vision. I strongly encourage you to visit. CuoreDelLeone: He worked very hard on it, and it shows.
Note from the emperor: I am continuing to help recruit Flamens for the many temples in Romanum. So far, we have not identified a flamen for the major goddesses of Diana and Ceres. We have developed a detailed religious holiday calendar and each flamen is expected to hold a weekly prayer time at their temples.
- Note from the emperor: We have an Imperial Praetorian Guard unit, finally! Rico Aurelio Giordano-Vindelici is the new Prefect and the unit includes at least two soldiers of the Romanum Legion - Brad Gunner and Jonny Galtier-Caproni, They will report to General Skip Scipione.
- Imperator Stephanus Galtier and his husband Regulus Rufus Galtier have announced the formal formation of the Imperial Family of Romanum - the Galtier Family. The Imperator send a notice on why this was done and how it was done. It is understood some people were surprised and had mixed feelings about it. The Imperator asks citizens and friends of Romanum to give the new family an opportunity to show its commitment to Romanum and its citizens and friends, as roving ambassadors of Romanum and assistants to people in need.
- Despite concerns by some and misunderstandings of some actions, Pompeii Augustus Sovereign Stef and Imperator Stephanus Galtier restated their commitment to the welfare and success of Romanum and Pompeii and its citizens and friends in a joint effort of camaraderie as well as nearby Ausona and Kyme. Such goodwill can only happen if we ALL work together to ward that goal.
Imperator Stephanus Galtier is hoping to finally have a permanent servi staff at the Imperial Palace and is recruiting a slaver for that very purpose. But ALSO, due to real life commitments, Mardrakus Hekatos has resigned as Romanum's Slaver. We will be seeking a new slaver, and probably ANOTHER review of Romanum's Servi Policy.
- New Romanum Imperial Palace is currently under construction by Armana Builders with a completion date some time in September. It will be a very beautiful and impressive update to the current palace which has existed for 9 years. Expect a grand opening ball, probably in October or November.
- And on a more serious note. Let us continue to remember our friend, D. Rad Parthicus, as he battles cancer.
Paolo Parthicus: In the past we had an event manager. I wonder if we still have and if so, who is he?
皇太子 Jin Měi Rén Galtier : Janu is the god and keeper of the calender.
Janu Shimada Octavius: My understanding is that we are still Events Co-ordinators. As I said last meeting, we don't veto events. But we try to guide to fit with the existing calendar. Ideally anyone adding an event to the calendar notifies the co-ordinators. But not everyone does this. Which makes planning more difficult, when we find a slot is taken.
Rico Aurelio Giordano-Vindelici: I would like to thank the Imperator, the imperial family and the Commanding General for the trust they have placed in me. It is a great honor and I will serve you with all my energy. But a Guard is not just made up of one person. So I want to say that I'm proud of my team. The brave men who dedicate their courage, their skills and their lives to the safety of the Imperator, the imperial family and the whole Palace. Thank you at this point.
Next Senate meeting Sunday 13SEP at 11:00am.
Ix Parthicus ἸΞ ΠΑΡΘΙΚΟΣ
Senate Scribe