Emperor Stephanus Galtier
Tribunes: Ras Parthicus, candyboy Allen, Elavor, ƛԼЄҲƖ ǀηѕιɗє-ŔƠMƛƝƠѴ-ƤӇƠЄƝƖҲ, Ruggeris Brittanicus, GaryMike Maximus, zαиdεя Aитσиινѕ, Tɯιȥƚιԃ Aɳƚσɳιυʂ Dɾαƙσɳ, Lυcα Fαвισ Aитσиινѕ
Scribe: Ixion Parthicus
Absent: Anus Octavi-Anus
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: I want to start today's meeting with a special request. Let us give a minute in silence as we remember our dear friend Arnold Maximus' passing. One minute
Thank you. For those who have not seen it, there will be a memorial service for Arnold today off sim at 12pm. We will adjourn well before that.
ƛԼЄҲƖ ǀηѕιɗє-ŔƠMƛƝƠѴ-ƤӇƠЄƝƖҲ: I am Alexi Romanov-Phoenix. My goals as Tribune are to as follows: 1) consider what can be improved within possibilities of our new Constitution. 2) Listen through contact with Romanums in any venues possible what they look for in life here, and what they consider most important. Rank order these as priorities. 3) Attend all called meetings of Tribunes without fail. 4) Participate in debates regarding what stands before this body for consideration and passing or not. 5) Show utmost respect for all Tribunes as fellow journeymen on our way down this new path the Emperor has opened for us. 6) Work hard on developing new approaches for getting new residents into Romanum on a more than passing status
Elavor: Basically I think you can describe me as that annoying little person that asks "Why" just to see if people really understand things and are not just reciting them. I like detail and want to get things all watertight and sensible. Oh and I do stuff.
Ras Parthicus: My name is Ras Parthicus, filius of D.Rad Parthicus. I am a Medicus, Innkeeper, budding choreographer, Dj/Host, role player in Romanum. I enjoy my Second Life and Romanum, else I would not be here. I love meeting people and learning from and sharing with them. I will represent the people's interests to the best of my ability, working with the other Tribunes to achieve outcomes that positively affect the daily lives of all plebeians. And finally, I want to see Romanum thrive and expand as a role play place and a way to be lived for Gay and Bi men.
candyboy Allen: I am candyboy allen karu, member of the karu family. I am the assistant of our lovely emperor dancer and nearby zoo owner. My goals are bringing back the power to the lower Roman people and to bring more fun and love in Romanum.
Ruggeris Britannicus: I am Citizen Ruggeris Britannicus. I see "Tribune" as being, not a title but an office and its purpose is to act as a conduit from the populace to bring forth ideas and issues that would otherwise not see the light.
GaryMike Maximus: I am GaryMike Maximus, son of the beloved senator and tavern owner Miles Maximus. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their condolences regarding the tragic loss of my brother Arnold. Speaking for the Maximus family, from the very depths of our hearts I cannot express the amount of tears we have cried, nor the overwhelming outpouring of love that we have received from all of you. Our community may be an online world, yet it is often very real, emotional, visceral. And from the Family Maximus, we are deeply touched, moved, and extremely grateful for the sincerely warm, tender and gracious wishes from this caring community. From the very bottom of our hearts, thank you. As for myself and my mission here, I agree with so much of what has been said already. (Except I am not a Capricorn :). I am a firm believer in fairness and understanding complex issues. I want to say to each of you, I am an ally. My mission is to work with each of you so that together we craft practical solutions to the issues that confront this vibrant Empire. Solutions that reflect the wisdom, fairness, and passion of this great Tribunal. Solutions worthy of the consideration of our distinguished Senate and esteemed Emperor.
Tɯιȥƚιԃ Aɳƚσɳιυʂ Dɾαƙσɳ: I am Twiztid Antonius Drakon. My goal here is to promote a fair safe environment for all in Romanum. Improve what is possible to improve and continue to grow.
zαиdεя Aитσиινѕ: I am Zander Antonius. I have been working on my skills with a blade and thoroughly enjoy gladiatorial combat. I have the good fortune to be the current Mr Romanum. I love Romanum and all its people and humbly asked that I be allowed me to serve Tribune. I entered the race late to ensure that there was an election as part of my belief that there should be transparency at all levels of government. All should be accountable to the people. Many things are done in the name of SPQR, (the Senate and the people of Rome), these things should be held up to public scrutiny and I believe in giving a voice to those that might not otherwise be heard. I too believe in encouraging roleplay and making Romanum greater than the sum of its parts.
Lυcα Fαвισ Aитσиινѕ: My name is Luca Fabio. There will be a change in my family, but I do not want to talk about it now, I'm just saying it. I'll announce everything else at the appropriate time. I have been in Romanum for almost 2 years and I love to live here. My goal as a tribune is, first and foremost, to speak for the citizens of Romanum, and to be here for their cares and concerns. To bring new people to Romanum, who will play with us. Another goal is to work closely with my 9 other colleagues to achieve the goal. I agree with all of my speakers.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: I want to thank each and every one of you for being here, for being willing to serve the people. I am both hopeful and delighted to see your commitment. I pledge to you that your voice will be heard and we will respect your counsel. It is my intention to let this body govern itself and to report your advice to the Senate and the Consuls as appropriate. So therefore I will not be attending these meetings, unless I am required.
The Tribune meetings will need a Scribe to devise agendas, perform administration duties, record the minutes, disseminate and archive them, and liaise with the Senate Scribe. Ixion Parthicus will perform interim tribune scribe duties until a suitable candidate is appointed. Having two scribes will also ensure back up for both the Senate and the Tribunate regards administration work.
Tribunes decided unanimously to request the Tribune Lead to ask Ejix whether he would be willing to become the Tribune scribe.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: I know most of you have reviewed the new constitution and the role of the Tribune. I have already heard some suggestions for the future. The Consuls and I very much believe in the Tribune and its purpose. Its primary purpose being "common people" representing "common people". You may have the opportunity to reach people others may not, that the Senate and Consuls may not. The Consuls and I want to see the Tribune succeed as such for this year and hope to see it continue for years to come. The basic process would be for the Tribune to come up with advice for the Senate to review and consider. And then that advice would be considered by the Consuls for implementation. Now, even though the Consuls gave much thought in how the constitution was written, to be sure, the Tribune can propose changes. I know there has been some concern about the process we used in the last election. Those concerns should be debated and advice proposed. Along with, of course, other matters, including how we can attract more people to Romanum and make Romanum more enjoyable.
Ruggeris Britannicus: May I ask how these matter will be conveyed to the Senate? By a person or by documentation?
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: It can be either way. It will probably be by documentation primarily, but the Tribune Lead can present it.
ƛԼЄҲƖ ǀηѕιɗє-ŔƠMƛƝƠѴ-ƤӇƠЄƝƖҲ: I respectfully suggest all outcomes from Tribunes of the People be in document form. Otherwise he said/he said comes into play.
GaryMike Maximus: I feel the Tribune lead should present the solutions, as well as the documentation. Much like a lawyer in a courtroom.
Lυcα Fαвισ Aитσиινѕ : Maybe also the Deputy, if the elected cannot be present.
Elavor: I would suggest that we proceed as best we can for the moment, we are all a bit blind and groping in the dark, mistakes will be made. We will learn and improve. Above all please nobody take anything personally.
Ras Parthicus: The plebeians will be on our backs if we just sit and talk
Ruggeris Britannicus: It may depend upon the nature of the material presented, I suggest it is generally the Lead, but he may delegate the presentation to another if appropriate.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: The Tribune Lead is the person who will call Tribune meetings, both closed and open. Other Tribunes can ask the Tribune Lead to call a meeting. The Tribune Lead helps develop the agenda for meetings with input from other Tribunes and the Scribe.
Ruggeris Britannicus: Can the tribune lead decline to hold a meeting? I mean, if another tribune desires a meeting, can he be overruled by the Lead?
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: The Tribune Lead runs Tribune meetings and calls on speakers. In theory, yes, but I would hope if another Tribune wants a meeting and says why, that the Lead will call that meeting. Still, I assume the Tribune will also have a regular schedule of meetings.
GaryMike Maximus: Rugger has a valid point. Does the Lead's own personal views stop or delay votes?
Ruggeris Britannicus: Clearly the Lead must be a person of great integrity.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: There should be regularly scheduled meetings, but there may be the need for extraordinary meetings too. In my opinion, the Tribune Lead should agree to call such a meeting if another Tribune asks for it. But extra ordinary meetings should be rare.
Candidates are: ƛԼЄҲƖ ǀηѕιɗє-ŔƠMƛƝƠѴ-ƤӇƠЄƝƖҲ Ras Parthicus, Lυcα Fαвισ Aитσиινѕ, Tɯιȥƚιԃ Aɳƚσɳιυʂ Dɾαƙσɳ.
Ruggeris Britannicus: I have a concern that this body is intended to represent the non-landowning people. It worries me that we might, despite my admiration for all the candidates, that they are members of families that own large amounts of land. I’m concerned of how it looks to the people.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: The current constitution permits all who sit here today and any Tribune can run as Lead.
Elavor: Despite that misgivings anyone has here, myself included as I am not perfect (yes I know that is hard to believe). We must allow each person to prove themselves and the best way is by doing and not by thinking what they may or may not do.
Election process:
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: Each of you will create a notecard and name the notecard VOTE and place on that notecard your vote for Tribune Lead. You can choose from Luca, Ras, Twiz and Alexi. Send ME those notecards and I will tally them.
Election result:
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: Luca, Twiz and Alexi received 2 votes each. Ras received 3 votes. Ras is the new Tribune Lead.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: How often should the Tribune meet? Open meetings and closed meetings?
Elavor: May I suggest a closed meeting one week after the senate meets in open and a closed meeting a week. Ras Parthicus: I was going to suggest a minimum of one meeting half way between senate meetings and then allow for open meetings, a closed one half way.
Lυcα Fαвισ Aитσиινѕ: If we have more closed sessions like in public, the citizen will not feel well, how should the citizen reach us otherwise.
Ruggeris Britannicus: Is it possible, on the question of how the populus reach us, that we might have, on the facing wall in the welcome centre devices to send us messages as per the Senators and other officials? (Emperor Stephanus Galtier: Yes, we can and will do that)
Elavor: I withdraw my suggestion for the moment and suggest we adopt the one meeting a month for the moment until we decide it needs changing.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: I suggest you conduct a closed meeting before an open meeting on the 4th Sunday of the month. This would allow you to prepare any advice for the next Senate meeting. (The meeting voted for this motion without dissent)
Ruggeris Britannicus: If we are to work with the Senate hand in hand, we can read the minutes of the public meetings. But we have no idea what happens in the meetings in camera. Could we petition the Senate to allow us to attend private meetings as observers only? Or receive minutes of them?
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: No not the closed Senate meetings. Closed meetings are meant to be private.
GaryMike Maximus: I am not sure I would want our private meetings to become public, or shared. So I assume the same for the Senate. As for the meeting time, please be sensitive to other scheduled events here in our great Empire.
Ras Parthicus: Especially if we want some robust debate.
Emperor Stephanus Galtier: The idea behind closed meetings is to be private for the Tribune and Senate. Then as each body desires, they can present their debate in open meetings.
Ruggeris Britannicus: I disapprove of that, with respect.
ƛԼЄҲƖ ǀηѕιɗє-ŔƠMƛƝƠѴ-ƤӇƠЄƝƖҲ: Rugger, if you hold open meetings, then the process becomes muddled and everyone talking at once. Best lay out our plans first then open to public.
Ras Parthicus: and in our case we might have none or a whole lot of plebeians at our open meeting.
Elavor: I understand the concerns that Rugger has and suggest that if it is something he feels strongly on it become a future agenda item vote upon and if passed raise up to the higher body.
Ras Parthicus: I will ask all Tribunes what is a good time for them and then make sure we do not clash with planned functions.
Meeting adjourned.
Ixion Parthicus Ἰξίων Παρθίκος
Interim scribe