Present: Alexi Romanov-Phoenix, Anus Octavia-Anus, duracuir, Elavor, Emperor Stephanus Galtier, Erik van Haller, GaryMike Maximus, Ixion Parthicus, JP Parthicus, Luca Fabio, Markus Vindelici, Nico Antonius, Ras Parthicus, Ruggeris Britannicus, Tiberius, Zander Antonius.
1) The meeting opened with a prayer to our gods by Ejix Silvercloud, Pontifex Mercurii, also Scribe to the Tribunate.
2) The first item on the agenda was the method of election of future Tribunes. Ruggeris spoke first to the matter, expressing a number of concerns about the current system (number of votes allocated to each voter, creating new citizens solely to create voters, alts voting improperly. He then proposed a reduction in the number of votes each person is alloted in that regard to two or perhaps one.
Motion seconded by Elavor. Elavor suggested the creation of a special council to look into the matter and report back. Rugger seconded Elavor's proposal.
Several members spoke to the motion, expressing a variety of ideas about how to amend the voting procedures. There appeared to be general agreement that the procedures need to be changed in some way. The motion carried. A notice to convene the council was sent out quickly, calling for members.
3) Elavor introduced a motion to remove the use of proxies as currently stated in the constitution. "A proxy is someone who represents you if you are unable to and they act for you. The senate has functioned with proxies. However the senate is unelected", he stated. The motion was seconded by GaryMike, who went on to say "I support the use of proxies, but encourage somehow limiting their use so that they don't become a de facto replacement for a Tribune who just doesn't want to or can't come to the meetings. I think they should be used in emergencies or scheduling conflicts, but somehow limited so they are not overused". Ruggeris noted that it could become the case that all members at a meeting of the Tribunes could be proxies, leaving the vote in the hands of appointed, rather than elected, individuals.
Others spoke to the matter, essentially supporting the basic principles in Elavor's and GaryMike's motions. The assembled Tributes voted on the following motion, amended slightly: to support the use of proxies, but encourage somehow limiting their use so that they don't become a de facto replacement for a Tribune who just doesn't want to or can't come to the meetings. They should be used in emergencies or scheduling conflicts, but somehow limited so they are not overused. There should never be a majority of proxies in meeting and voting. The motion was defeated.
This left Elavor's original motion for a vote: 7 in favour, 2 opposed. The motion carried.
4) Ruggeris spoke to a proposal by Ixion to urge the Romanum Urban Design Team to rethink the current look of many streets in Romanum. Alexi moved to defer the complex motion to the next meeting. Ruggeris seconded that motion. (The Scribe made a note to himself to ensure that documents relevant to upcoming motions are provided to the Tribunes in advance of the meeting in which they will be discussed). The motion carried unanimously.
5) Ras noted that, with respect to the matter of what constitutes a quorum that he will use the current rule of 3 being the minimum until the Tribunes vote to change the rule. The assembled Tribunes nodded in, or voiced, approval.
6) Twiztid's item was deferred pending his arrival to speak to it.
7) Ras noted that the Tribunes will be available for an hour or so on a yet-to-be-determined schedule, in the Forum.
Respectfully submitted,
Ejix E. Silvercloud, Scribe